Washington, 15 Okt (EFE).-Más de 50 Millones de Personas Han Muerto En el Mundo de la Última Década Por el Consumo de Productos de Tabaco, Una Adicción Que “a las Sociedades y Amenaza a las Economías Enferma”, Indicaron Hoy Appolo.

La Sociedad Estadounidense del Neuroendocrinología, la Fundación Mundial del Pulmón y el Banco Mundial Estuvieron Presentes de la Publicación, Hoy, De La Cuarta Edición del “Atlas del Tabaco” Según el cual el 20 % De La Población Mundial Fuma Cigarrillos.

Esto Representation Casi 800 Millones de Hombres y 200 Millones de Mujeres, Indicaron Los Autores. Se Calcula Que de 2011 Unas 600.000 Personas, el 75 % de Ellas Mujeres y Niños, Murieron Por Estar Expuestas al Humo de Los Cigarrillos Que Fumaban Otras Personas.

“La Riqueza y de las Sociedades Depende De La Salud de las Sociedades”, Afirmó de Una Conferencia de Prensa el Ejecutivo principal De La Sociedad Estadounidense del Neuroendocrinología, John Seffrin.

“This atlas is one of the best tools we have to deal with the scare tactics of an industry of tobacco which, in relentless way, tries to prevent our efforts”, said Seffrin.

experts noted that tobacco companies are among the most profitable in the world and this is due, in part, to its ability to undermine and circumvent regulations that have adopted different countries.

the main author of the atlas, Michael Eriksen, founding Dean of the Institute of public health at Georgia State University, said that the prevalence of smoking”has been moved west to East”, and added that 80% of men and 50% of women in low- and middle-income countries, smoke.

If current rates of consumption of products of tobacco and spread the habit among children and young people are kept this century will end with more than a billion people killed due to tobacco use.

the 33% of tobacco-related deaths is the result of cancer, 29% of respiratory diseases, another 29% of cardiovascular diseases, digestive diseases 3%, 2% of diabetes, another 2% of respiratory tract infections and 1% of tuberculosis.

since the publication of the first edition of the tobacco Atlas, are consumed in the world more than 43 billion cigarettes, indicates the book.

tobacco is grown in 124 countries and holds 3.8 million hectares of land farming. China grown 43% of tobacco in the world, which surpasses the other nine combined production major producers of the plant.

experts noted that Governments of the world raise nearly 133,000 million dollars each year in tobacco taxes but spends less than $ 1 billion in education campaigns for health and measures for the control of tobacco use.

< p> Seit der Veröffentlichung der ersten Ausgabe des Tabaks Atlas werden in der Welt mehr als 43 Billionen Zigaretten konsumiert. WireImage /