New York, 30 nov (EFE).-der Puerto-ricanische Sänger Ricky Martin behauptet die Regierungen mit Grund treffen Morgen der Welt-AIDS-Tag zum Verteilen kostenlose Kondome in Schulen, Gefängnissen, Universitäten und andere viele Orte.

“Wir haben verwendet die Kondom., die keinen uns leistet weder mehr noch weniger Männer., die uns verlängert das Leben,” sagte er in einem Interview mit mehreren Medien in New York, wo das musical “Evita” neben Argentinien spielte Elena Rogers und die amerikanischen Michael Cerveris.

Martin, wer Sprecher für die Kampagne gegen AIDS der nächsten Sängerin Nicky Minaj, Mac Kosmetik-Unternehmen ist hält auch notwendig, dass die Regierungen unterstützen, die kostenlose Verteilung von Hypodermic als Maß für die Prävention.

der Unterzeichnung der Kosmetik hat mehr als 200 gespendet million dollars since 1998 to combat AIDS and direct services to carriers of the virus through the sale of its Viva Glam product line.

“a young man who does not have to buy a pair of shoes don’t have to be designed that has to buy condoms,” said the artist, who had publicly announced his homosexuality in 2010, two years after it was father of two children twins thanks to a womb for rent.

Martin said in the interview that a trip to India changed his life realizing that you could use your voice to help others

after that trip in 2005 created a foundation that fights against human, in particular against the exploitation of children, trafficking and became involved in campaigns such as that of the AIDS.

“I have worked for several years against human trafficking, which manifests itself of many ways. many children are infected because they force them into prostitution,”he reiterated and added that why he agreed to be spokesperson for the campaign of the signature Mac.

Martin emphasized that education is important in preventing part and expected his voice to carry the message to the Hispanic community of USA, where there are still taboos about sex.

’ Rome was not done in two days, it is a process of information that has to give constantly. let know to the world that you don’t have to be gay to contracting the virus, that all this happens because there is not enough information, not because we are ignorant”, said the artist, conscious of that will not change people from one day to another, but it can “plant a seed”.

“with the convening power that gives me the music, let’s try to put information beyond outside, someone you” Sie kommen und werden uns bemühen, die versuchen, das nächste Mal zu schützen Sie Sex haben.” EFE