London, 13 nov (EFE).-a British woman who forced his son to pretend for three years that he had a cancer to be able to collect a pension was sentenced today to three years and nine months in prison for child cruelty, fraud and counterfeiting.

to maintain the deception, the woman shaved head and eyebrows to the small when he was 6 years old to simulate the effects of chemotherapy, as well as force him to use a wheelchair on several occasions.

in his appearance before a court in Gloucester (West of England), the defendant admitted a charge of child cruelty, eight for fraud to the State and another for falsifying medical documents that demonstrate the supposed disease of small.

the disability of the child and the care they should provide, the mother requested a pension amounting to 86.000 Pfund jährlich (107.600 Euro, 136.000 Dollar), wollten andere Einnahmen hinzufügen hostet bei Ihnen zu Hause zu anderen Kindern seiner Verantwortlichen in Wirklichkeit nicht existiert.

der Richter während der Studie. “Ich habe keinen Zweifel, dass Sie Möglichkeit, die Wahrheit zu sagen verloren haben”, sagte

Frauen gepflegt die Farce auch in USA, Land, die das Kind im Urlaub in einen Rollstuhl “in der Lage, die Warteschlangen der Attraktionen zu springen” eines Vergnügungsparks in Florida. EFE