KOUROU, Französisch-Guayana (Reuters) – eine unbemannte Rakete Ariane verließ frühen Freitag von Französisch-Guayana in der ersten Aufgabe Europas, um die Raumstation liefern internationale seit Ende letzten Jahres das US-Shuttle, sagte Beamten.

modifizierten Ariane-Rakete hob um die 0434 GMT aus der Mitte des release of the European Space Agency in Kourou, French Guiana, on the northeast of South America coast, carrying more than six tons of cargo.

U.S. space shuttles were the main providers of cargo to the international space station, but a final mission 12 days of Atlantis in July 2011 ship put an end to the program that already fulfilled 30 years.

fleet of automated transfer (VTA) in Europe is now key to carry supplies to the international space station.

more than one hour after the launch, Edoardo Amaldi automated transfer vehicle – named in honor to a physicist and a pioneer of space flight Italian 20th century – broke away from the rocket Ariane. is scheduled to dock to the space station on March 28.

built by an industrial consortium led by EADS ASTRIUM, a division of EADS European industrial giant, the unmanned vehicle is designed for fuel delivery, food, clothing and oxygen to the crew of the international space station, as well as spare parts.

is the third VTA that Europe has been provided for the programme of the station space international. the first docked with the station at the beginning of 2008, and the second, at the beginning of the year past.

the VTA will be docked to the space station until August as astronauts remove its cargo and fill it with rubbish from the station.

then it will be sent back to Earth and burn to re-enter in the atmosphere. any remaining debris would fall in a remote area of the Pacific Ocean.

aircraft Russia Progress are less than half the capacity of charge than the European VTA.

< p> Die neue amerikanische Firma SpaceX, eine Vorstellung von dem Mitbegründer der PayPal Elon Musk, wurde die erste Lieferung-Mission zur internationalen Raumstation an Bord der Dragon-Raumschiff geplant, bis Ende April.

der ISS, die in 90 Prozent abgeschlossen ist ist ein Projekt von 15 Ländern von etwa 150000 Millionen Dollar.

(Alexander Tausende Zusatzbericht. Veröffentlicht in Spanisch von Patricio Abusleme)