LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – a student from California who was five days handcuffed in a Dungeon federal without food or water is going to present a demand for up to 20 million dollars (15 million euros) as compensation, claiming that he suffered kidney failure and almost died for this.

the five-page document prior to a lawsuit against the Government, was sent to the Agency Wednesday United States (DEA, by its acronym in English) by the lawyer of the student, drug Daniel Chong, who said he was forced to drink his own urine to continue with life.

his lawyer, Julia Yoo, said that Chong was so hungry that he ingested a substance in powder in a bag which was found in the cell and that turned out to be a package of methamphetamines.

Thursday, confirmed more details of the ordeal that Chong revealed to the New York Times, as the suicidal despair he felt towards the end of the captivity, when he broke his glasses, tried to write “Sorry MOM” on the arm and swallowed a piece of broken glass, prompted cuts in the esophagus.

during virtually the last two days of his detention in a cell of 1.5 by 3 meters, Chong was in complete darkness, since inexplicably lights were turned off, said Yoo.

Chong, 23-year-old engineering student at the University of San Diego, California, said he believed that he was minutes from death when an employee of the DEA finally found in the cell.

“at that time, had accepted that would probably die there”, told Yoo Times. said his client declined to grant more interviews.

< p> The DEA has acknowledged that Chong was left in the cell by accident, and the director of the San Diego Office issued a statement of apology, saying he was “deeply concerned” per incident. promised to investigate the matter.

Chong ended in DEA custody when it conducted an anti-drug RAID April 21 in someone’s house where he spent the night after smoking marijuana with some friends, he said Yoo.

La DEA said that other seven detainees with Chong were imprisoned and an eighth was released on freedom. Agency said that it also seized large amounts of drugs, three guns fire and numerous ammunition.

Yoo said that it was found that his client had done nothing wrong and was told that they put him in a cell for a minute before carrying it home. that was in the early hours of the Saturday 21 of April. was imprisoned only until Wednesday.

< p> Nach fünf Tagen, wurde daraufhin die ersten drei in der Intensivmedizin, leiden, schwere Dehydratation, Muskel-Verschlechterung, Halluzinationen, Nierenversagen und extrem hohe Natrium-Ebenen, sagte ihr Anwalt.

“Fast gestorben”, sagt der Beschwerde.

“der Entzug von Nahrung und Wasser für vier Tage und eine halbe, während die Person ist zu allen Zeiten in Handschellen stellt einen der Folter nach innerstaatlichem und Völkerrecht”.