Brussels, 22 nov (EFE).-the Federal Police of Belgium considers ban that its agents to consume alcoholic beverages during the hours of service, in order to limit the risks associated with the ingestion of these substances, reported today the francophone newspaper Le Soir.

the Commissioner general of the Federal Police, Catherine De Bolle, working on the elaboration of a plan to prevent the consumption of any alcoholic beverage in the services who directs, which goes beyond the removal of Christmas for reasons of economic saving Cup, details the newspaper in its Edition digital.

Although the extent is not yet final, is part of a plan that management of the Belgian police intends to discuss with the trade unions.

thus, for example, a colleague farewell toast not be prohibited initially, but to celebrate them it would be necessary to formulate a written request, explained a spokesman for the Federal Police.

in that request would have to include the number of bottles that will be open in the event, which would have to be relegated at the end of the workday, unless it will give “with fruit juice”, commented.

in Belgium, the consumption of alcohol at work is not banned by law, although each company, if it so decides, it can ban it.

from April 2010, companies in the private sector must have a preventive policy in the field of alcohol and drugs, you have to specify the rules for the staff as regards the consumption of these substances.

it should be also clarified the process for dealing with problem, behaviors or help that can be provided to the person concerned in the place of work.

preventive tests about consumption of alcohol or drugs are allowed, even under severe conditions, that can only be done to verify the capacity of a worker and only with the consent of the.

AunqEU gelten diese Bestimmungen nur in Belgien die durchschnittliche private, öffentliche Sektor Ihnen zeichnen kann bei der Erstellung ihrer eigenen Politik, erklärt das belgische Ministerium für Beschäftigung, Arbeit und Abstimmung der sozialen.

Offizier könnte daher gezwungen sein, auf das Maximum zu begrenzen die Risiken im Zusammenhang mit dem Konsum von Alkohol oder Drogen, die auf der Grundlage der Verordnungen, die die Entwicklung öffentlicher Sektor unter Berücksichtigung der Gesetze der Gesundheit.

nach Angaben von der belgischen Firma Sozialverwaltung und Human Resources Securex, 13 % der Arbeitnehmer in diesem Land “konsumieren Alkohol in gefährlicher Weise’.

darüber hinaus mehr als ein Arbeitnehmer in jeder hundert in Belgien können nicht wie gewohnt am Arbeitsplatz, ihre Aufgaben mindestens einmal im Monat, als unter dem Einfluss von Alkohol, präzise. EFE