san Salvador, 29 jun (EFE).-the health authorities of El Salvador today celebrated a new national day of detection of the virus that causes AIDS, disease of which are logged at least 28.323 cases since 1984.

the Minister of health, Maria Isabel Rodriguez, opened the day national of the takes of the test of the Virus of immunodeficiency human (HIV) with a call for Salvadorans to verify if they are carriers or not of the virus.

Rodriguez, who was one of the first to undergo the test, he presided over the ceremony along with other local officials and representatives of international agencies of health in the Plaza General Gerardo Barrios, in the center of San Salvador.

since that was reported the first case of AIDS in the country, in 1984, are recorded at least infected 28.323, of which 584 correspond to the period of 1 January to June 25 this year, according to data from the Ministry of health.

the Leiter des nationalen Programms STI/HIV/AIDS im Ministerium für Gesundheit, Isabel Nieto, sagte Journalisten, die an diesem Tag zu üben “zwischen 90.000 und 95.000” dürften Prüfungen in allen Krankenhäusern des Landes.

praktizierte er Geworbene letztes Jahr einige 84.000 Tests, von denen 176 positiv. waren

HIV Test Kampagne erfolgt im sechsten Jahr in Folge in El Salvador, die hat ca. 6,1 Millionen Einwohner.

seit 1984 hat AIDS verursachte den Tod von einigen “17.000 Menschen” in El Salvador vor kurzem gesagt Efe Odir Miranda, Direktor der Stiftung, die arbeitet bei der Prävention dieser Krankheit und besucht infizierten Atlacatl. EFE
