Barcelona, 4 jul (EFE).-CiU und Katalanisch PP beschrieben heute eine Vereinbarung grundsätzlich für die mögliche Abschaffung des Euro durch Rezept “eine maximale 31. Dezember 2012”, eine Entscheidung abhängig, ob die Regierung diese Maßnahme Ziele speichern schätzt trugen bereits Früchte während seiner Anwendung für den Rest des Jahres.

in den späten Nachmittag, PPC hat einen Entschließungsantrag, für die Parlamentsdebatte über die Anpassungen der Balearischen Regierung, welche Triebe “” vor Jahresende Euro pro Rezept löschen, “einmal Einnahmen und der Ausgaben erhalten durch die Maßnahmen” der Regierung von Mariano Rajoy pharmazeutische Ausgaben “kompensieren das ursprüngliche Ziel dieses” dritten Plan registriert.

die Auflösung auf der morgigen Abstimmung im Plenum, beschwört der Regierung auf, “die Auswirkungen auf die Finanzen bewerten “public Catalan, will take the implementation of the measures of the Government” planned to reduce pharmaceutical spending, in allusion to health copayment and the exclusion of 426 medicines of the system public.

sources of PPC have ensured that they have linked the support from CiU to this resolution, which means that “the euro by recipe has its days numbered”, but the nationalist Federation sources have pointed out that, before giving its definitive, if require polishing the written final to make it clear that the Elimination of the rate is conditional on the valuation that makes the Govern in its time.

from CiU, however, “very positively” appreciate that PPC has moved out and, with this proposal, the possibility of a United Front of all the opposition to demand the Elimination of the euro by prescription, to avoid that it overlaps the health copay implanted by the Government of Mariano Rajoy. already has disrupted

addition, nationalists stress that they will only vote the text of the PPC if made clear that it does for made the Elimination of the euro by recipe at end of year, but that is it conditioned upon the Government do the balance of the implementation of the measure and comes to the conclusion that have already achieved the objectives of saving on drugs: “in December already talk”, have settled the same sources.

from the PPC, the interpretation of this agreement in principle is different, since Yes it assumes that the only possible end is the disappearance of the rate.

the plot of the popular is that, when the Balearic Government assess the impact of the measure by end of year, reveal that 50 million of savings envisaged with the euro by prescription are overwhelmed by about 240 million derived from health care co-payment decided by Rajoy and the savings achieved with the exclusion of medicines in the public system.

with CiU-PPC agreement on this issue, in any case, the popular would avoid the Government having to ignore a parliamentary resolution urging end euro per recipe, a measure that the catalan President, Artur Mas, had already said that it would maintain at all costs despite the rejection of the opposition.

for its part, the PSC tabled a motion for a resolution which is limited to demand the Government to delete the payment of one euro per recipe to “avoid double pharmaceutical payment in Catalonia”.

ICV-EUiA precise, in its own resolution, that this deletion should occur within a maximum of one month, while ERC, that throughout this afternoon has maintained talks that opened up the possibility of a pact with CiU about this issue, finally presented a proposal to “delete” rate “because it is not equitable and because the citizens of Catalonia paid a double toll”.

< p> Bezug auf Gesundheitsfürsorge Selbstbeteiligung von der spanischen Regierung gegründet schlägt ERC einen Ansatz sehr ähnlich wie die baskische Regierung und “Verletzung” der Staat-Erlass, der Kies Arzneimittel neben “ohne Verzögerung” Rechtsmittel der Verfassungswidrigkeit gegen dasselbe. Über den Euro von Rezept, Ciutadans fragt auch entfernt werden.