NUEVA YORK (Reuters Health) – Agregar Alimentos

Complementarios a la Lactancia Materna a Partir de Los Cuatro

Meses de Vida Está Asociado con un Aumento de las Reservas de

Hierro a Los Seis Meses de Vida.

“Aún Se Desconoce la Importancia Biológica de un Alto Nivel

de Ferritina de Sangre ein Los Seis Meses, Aunque Se Podría Decir

Que Tener Reservas de Hierro Más Altas ein Esa Edad es un Hallazgo

Positivo de Cuanto al Riesgo Futuro de Padecer Deficiencia del

Mineral”, Dijo la Doctora Mary S. Fewtrell, del Instituto de

Salud Infantil del University College de Londres, Reino Unido.

Con Su Equipo Comparó el Nivel de Hierro y de Crecimiento de

un Grupo de: Bebés de Islandia Que, al Azar, Recibieron Cuatro o

Seis Meses de Lactancia Materna Exclusiva. Las Madres ein las Que

Se Les Indicó Agregar Alimentación Complementaria Debían

< p> combine breastfeeding with other foods within seven

days of the allocation of the intervention.

team observed that the addition of food

complementary barely covered 10 percent of the

daily energy requirements of infants aged six and

11 months of age, and only 8 per cent of the needs

daily of iron in that same period of life.

even so, as he publishes the computer in Pediatrics, babies

they had levels of ferritin in the blood significantly more

higher than infants in the control group (without power


authors were not detected significant differences between

groups in the determinations of hemoglobin, volume

half cell, total iron binding capacity or the

wide distribution of blood cells red.

< p> Within six months, seven babies (five in the treated group with

exclusive breastfeeding only and two in the treated group

with complementary feeding) had reserves of iron

casualties. six had iron deficiency (four in the group in

control group) and one of each group had anemia by

deficiency of iron.

there was no significant difference in growth between

babies in both groups.

“study does not provide sufficient evidence to support the

recommendation to bring forward the introduction of food

complementary early childhood because research

concentrated on two results: growth and the level of

iron in blood – said Fewtrell-. results should

interpreted in the context of the evidence of that age to the

time to add complementary food would alter others

results” Zusammenhang mit der Gesundheit des Babys ’.

“die vor- und Nachteile der Förderung der Einführung von

Beikost sollte als in anderen

Fällen, wie z.B. das Risiko von

Morbidität/Mortalität von Infektionen verbunden mit Zugriff auf

fließendes Wasser und lebensmittelecht gegenüber Risiko

Allergie/Zöliakie Krankheit in verschiedenen Populationen”, erklärt


“unsere Ergebnisse sollte dazu beitragen, dass diese Erwägungen

und für die Realisierung von zukünftigen systematischen Reviews oder Meta

