Madrid, 17 may (EFE).-the Congress of Deputies today validate Royal Decree on urgent measures to ensure the sustainability of the national health system as well as improve the quality and safety of its benefits, with which the Government intends to save 7 billion euros in the health

standard, approved by the Council of Ministers last April 20, intended, according to the Government, ensure “universality” of the public health and, at the same time, put an end to the “abuses” in their performance.

opposition, trade unions and social organizations opposed to reform when considering that it’s a change in the health care model and that it puts at risk the health of those most vulnerable such as the elderly and immigrants.

the Decree creates the new contribution of the citizens – including the pensioners – in payment for the drugs.

this “co-payment” will be proportional to the income and will be updated as maximum annually.

toYes, users will begin to pay more for medicines from next July 1, and in addition, will have to pay part of the orthoprosthetic products and diet, as well as non-urgent health transport.

migrants in an irregular situation will withdraw them health insurance card on September 1 and will be only treated in emergency, during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum, and serious illness or accident, although children under 18 years will receive the same care as the Spaniards.

pensioners be paid generally 10% of the drugs, with a few limits of between 8 and 60 euros monthly.

users with a level of income above 18,000 euros will pay 50% of the price of the drug, while those who are below that amount will continue paying the current 40% and those with more than 100,000 euros will pay 60%.

the Standard legt den Grundstein, um ein Portfolio von Dienstleistungen für die autonomen Gemeinschaften herzustellen, werden frei, während ein ergänzendes, vorbehaltlich “Selbstbeteiligung” Portfolio vereinbart werden wird.