new YORK (Reuters Health) – a group of Pediatricians of

United States recommended designating the activities of cheerleaders

as a sports official, mainly to prevent injuries

that for doctors, can be serious.

other recommendations for the cheerleaders include the

preseason physicals approval, access to

coaches of strength and physical conditioning, and the

prohibition to compete or participate in activities with a

lesion in the head.

“felt the need for guides that them

ensure these girls a safe practice”, she said

Cynthia LaBella, co-author of the recommendations of the Academy

American Pediatrics (AAP, by its English name).

girls are 96 percent of the 3.6 million of

cheerleading over six years in United States. only in the

< p> secondary schools in 2009 had 400,000 cheerleaders.

at the secondary level, the AAP believes that the cheerleaders

suffer less than 1 injury by each 1,000 “exhibitions

sports” female. This is less than the 8.5 lesions by

each 1,000 gymnastic exhibitions or 5.3/1,000 exhibitions

in football.

still, the medical literature shows that cheerleaders

they have a disproportionately high risk of suffering injury

serious, such as skull fractures and injuries of column


La AAP calculates that the cheerleaders suffered 65 percent

lesions in secondary schools and the 71 athletes by

% of injuries in college athletes registered in

the period 1982-2009

“in many States and at the University, the activity of the

< p""> cheerleading ist als Sport nicht offiziell anerkannt und

Warum gibt es einige Sicherheitsmechanismen, die sie mit

haben”, sagte LaBella, außerordentlicher Professor der Schule

Feinberg der Medizin der Northwestern University, Chicago.

für die AAP, gehören solche Mechanismen der Zugang zu

physischen Ausbilder, Gesundheitswesen, bessere Ausstattung und

Stunden Praxis und Trainer Zertifikate. derzeit

29 Staaten USA erkennen die Praxis als ein

Sport Schule sekundär. aber die National Association of

collegiate Athletik nicht erkennt es als ein College Sport.

Was bedeutet einen Namen? < / p>

“Promote them most of these recommendations from

long ago”, said Jim Lord, executive director of the

American Association of coaches and administrators of

animation (DIFFERENTE, by its acronym in English), in Memphis.

but it also noted some points in debate. in particular,

referred to does not consider that the animation is a sport

because many cheerleaders not competing regularly, while

some States or organizations dictate.

also mentioned that the recommendation by the AAP to

pyramids or breaks only on rubber floors foam or with

Springs, what Lord would interfere with the balance of the

cheerleading. “That increase injuries dramatically”,


but Lord and LaBella said that there should not be

problems to solve these differences. “we are thinking

e””n (Cheerleader) Sicherheit und wissen, dass DIFFERENTE auch

es vor. das sind Punkte, denen wir schnell zustimmen”,

sagte LaBella.

Empfehlungen sind in der Kinderheilkunde, veröffentlicht die

gleichzeitig die nationalen Tagung des AAP präsentiert wird

in New Orleans.

Quelle: Pädiatrie, online 22. Oktober 2012.