Santo Domingo, 10 oct (EFE).-a naturalized Dominican American sued for $ 100 million to the Consulate of the USA in the country and to a clinic by the alleged error in a DNA test that discarded him as father of one of his daughters, which was processed residence American, was reported today.

the demand was filed by Miguel family, who says that the “error” of the clinic Testing & Research, headquartered in United States, where the test of DNA, cost him his marriage and destroyed its environment family.

the analysis, requested by the U.S., Consulate was made seven years ago when family handled the residence American to her two daughters, said this to the press during the hearing of the case in the third room Civil of the district national and which was adjourned so that the plaintiffs regularize the citations to defendants and witnesses.

< p> Nach jahrelanger Drängen seiner autobiographischen beschlossen, wiederholen die Tests in zwei lokalen Labors und beide, nach seiner Aussage, zeigte, dass er der Vater des Mädchens ist, das jetzt hat 11 Jahre.

Familie sagte zwischen Tränen Reihenfolge Scheidung seiner Frau nach Erlernen des Ergebnisses “keine Vergebung” hat, weil er sagte, “ein wenig mehr” hatte auf die Mutter seiner Töchter verlassen haben. EFE