san Salvador, 19 jul (EFE).-the Ministry of health of El Salvador said today that it will intensify the sanitary measures to prevent an epidemic of cholera and influenza A, due to outbreaks of these diseases in countries like Brazil and Cuba, where dozens of people have died so far this year.

the Ministry of health”is concerned much”the situation of influenza A in Brazil and cholera in Cuba, and that”forces to intensify the work for the prevention of these diseases”, told the press the Minister of health Maria Isabel Rodriguez.

Minister said that Brazil is a country that”has a well-organized health system”, but nevertheless”is reporting already at this time a number of 148 deaths this year”as a result of the virus H1N1. According to the latest report of the Brazilian authorities, in 2012 have 108 people killed by influenza A.

“In the case of cholera already have this epidemiological alert, because the cases have increased in Cuba”. 158 cases have been reported to the Ministry of public health of the island until the moment.

emphasized that the country has” be very attentive to these epidemic processes that exist in other countries of the region because of the possibility of contamination”.

by the epidemic in Cuba said that as a measure of prevention would be making health records to persons entering the country to prevent an outbreak of cholera.

Rodriguez called on the population to take all sanitary measures necessary, such as handwashing, to avoid a rebound of the H1N1 virus and an outbreak of cholera in the country.

in so far this year in El Salvador 6 people have died of flu, disease that has infected some 199 people.

< p> Trotz der Zunahme der Fälle von Influenza-A-in den letzten Monaten, verworfen Gesundheitsbehörden eine Epidemie, so dass keine Art von Warnung deklariert haben betroffene

hierzulande nicht aufgezeichnet Cholera Fälle von 2000 bis April dieses Jahres, nach Angaben des Ministeriums für Gesundheit, etwa 346 Menschen gefangen Cholera und drei starben durch die Krankheit. EFE