the I Forum of families of persons with brain injury, which was held this Saturday in Santiago de Compostela, stresses the importance of associations as “indispensable” to pressure social.

so has pointed out in his inaugural speech the President of the Galician Federation of brain damage (Fegadace), Jose Balboa, who has advocated “the union” both for mutual aid to vindicate the rights that correspond to these people.

an opinion that has also shared the doctor Miguel Anxo Garcia, who has asked the union against the Administration, that it considered that “left side” to those affected by damage brain.

as reported by the Organization of the event in a statement in the Act also have spoken, among others, the Councillor of Traballo e Benestar Social, Paula Prado; the vowel of Fegadace, Elena Salgado.

by Unterdessen die klinische Psychologin Javier Sardiña; die Rocío García Neruopsicologa und der Sozialarbeit Erzieher Gonzalo Mira, haben aufmerksam ’schwere’, dass diese Krankheit praktisch nicht ist von der öffentlichen Gesundheit.