New YORK, USA (Reuters) – Jennifer Vaughn brauchte, um in der Form nach gehen an der Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaften. Emily McCart eine Pause vom Betrieb wollte.

geben Schläge, Schläge und Tritte, eine schwere Tasche Box erwies sich als nur Sport Tipps suchen, die

für Frauen, die wollen ein intensives Training, Übungen, die auf der Grundlage von Boxen können effizient sein und geben Sicherheit, obwohl ihre Füße berühren Sie niemals die Innenseite einer kubischen.

“I was hooked to this,” said Vaughn, a lawyer from Chicago. “has given Me an incredible sense of confidence and composure, a sense that there is nothing that can not be achieved”.

so great was his devotion that Vaughn ended up opening a franchise of the Boxing, a national chain specializing in boxing, kickboxing and mixed martial arts in your local.

“Has evolved a love for the sport,” said. “I wanted to train as a wrestler, but in a place where it did not have to go into the ring if you did not want”.

, his club has a quadrilateral of official dimensions and 35 sacks of 68 kilos. women, who account for 60 percent of its clientele, lean toward training in group classes

“Also have working people, women professionals, students, some elderly,”, said. “We have a few professionals, but most are here to make sport”.

McCart, an attorney’s Office in Chicago, said that the force that has been retrieved from their Boxing classes complements their careers.

“I have learned something of the sport, the technique”, said. “I never thought that I’d like, but it has become part of my life”.

Philip Jacobs, director of franchising in the Boxing, said that his company is directed to women who do not work and their children.

“I would say that 90 percent of our clients have nothing to do with the struggle of truth,” he said from Santa Ana, California.

Although it points out that its members are divided equally based on gender, expects an increase in female partners this summer when the 2012 Olympics include boxing female by first time.

< p”>” Is fun. gives security in one same. it is so psychological as physical “, said of the sport that she said it can consume up to 1,000 calories.” If you can’t do a combination of six punches, you do two punches. everyone has his own bag and go at your own pace ’.

Pam Opdyke, regional director of sport of Reebok Supers Club/NY and The Sports Club /, said that women who are targeted searches for intensity that offer classes of boxing and kickboxing at these centres, just like the men.

“I think that our kinds of boxing always had a majority of women,” said Opdyke, who works in New York.

she noted that boxing is very good for toning the forearms, back and abdominals, areas in which women tend to want to focus, at the time offered a session of high intensity cardio.

“Alles ist im Boxen vermischt”, erklärte.” nur Treffer den Sack Herz-Kreislauf ist-, und Sie, den Bauch und Arme daran arbeiten. auch Sie Kreisen, und es gibt Bewegungen mit Sprüngen, gefolgt von Push-ups und Sit-ups “.

/ pro Dorene Internicola /