lima, 19 sep (EFE).-former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori was hospitalized today in a clinic in Lima after presenting problems of scarring in the wound of an operation of language which was submitted last August 23, reported today its doctor, Alejandro Aguinaga.

“(former) President in the last week came because presenting problem in the operation of the language area healing… is a zone that has already been quite trajinada because it is the fifth surgical intervention,” said Aguinaga to the station Radio programs of Peru (RPP).

Aguinaga, who is also the previous Congressman, said that the wound in the language “was opened and emerged a swollen area” that could not be cured.

“Was decided to hospitalize him today that it be monitored by the team caring for you,” he said before saying that even not is you can specify how long stays in the clinic.

Aguinaga Er erklärte, dass die betroffenen noch “hat nicht entschieden, ob einen kleinen Eingriff machen oder warten, bis die Entwicklung des Bereichs”.

Fujimori, 74 Jahre alt, wurden am 23. August in der gleichen Klinik einer wiederkehrenden Precancerigena Läsion, die die Sprache, bekannt als Leukoplakie. hat

Exgobernante (1990-2000) entspricht einen Satz zu 25 Jahren Gefängnis wegen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und er hat auch zu mehreren Minderjährigen für Verbrechen der Korruption verurteilt worden.