London (Reuters) – the number of people with cancer

will increase more than 75 percent worldwide between now and the

2030, with particularly acute in countries increases

poor, where increasingly adopting more lifestyles

“occidentalizados” unhealthy, revealed Friday a


is expected that many developing countries see a rise in

standards of living in the coming decades, said the

article from the International Agency for research of the

Cancer (IARC for its acronym in English), of the world Organization

health, in Lyon, France.

but these gains could come at a high cost: the

increase in cancer cases related to the bad

food, lack of physical activity and other bad habits

associated with prosperity and linked to diseases as the

cancers Brustkrebs, Prostatakrebs und Dickdarmkrebs.

“Krebs ist bereits die häufigste Todesursache in vielen

einkommensstarken Ländern und wird voraussichtlich in konvertiert werden die

zentrale Ursache (Krankheit) Morbidität und Mortalität bei der

Jahrzehnte voraus in jeder Region der Welt”, sagte Freddie Bray,

Aufklärung über Krebs IARC.

Studie war die erste zu beobachten wie Preise

aktuelle und zukünftige Krebs variieren zwischen den Ländern sehr

Arm und Reich, nach der Rangliste der Entwicklung definiert

durch den Index der menschlichen Entwicklung (IDH) der Vereinten Nationen.

Forscher fanden, daß weniger Länder

entwickelt – vor allem jene der Sahara –

sie hatten eine hohe Anzahl von Krebserkrankungen mit Bezug zu Infektionen

– insbesondere Gebärmutterhalskrebs – aber auch der

Leber und Magen und Kaposi-Sarkom

< p> Instead, richer nations such as Great Britain, Australia,

Russia and Brazil had more cancers linked to smoking,

as the lung, and with obesity and diet.

experts said that the increase in standards of

life in less developed countries would probably generate

a reduction in the number of cancers linked to infections.

but it would also increase the types of disease generally

observed in Nations more rich.

the team predicted that middle-income countries, as

China and India, could see a rise of 78 per cent in the

number of cases of cancer of the 2030.

cases in the less developed regions would registered

indicated an increase of 93 percent over the same period, the

article published in the journal Lancet Oncology.

< p> These increases would outweigh the decline signals in the

cancer of neck of uterus, stomach and other types in the

Nations more wealthy, said the authors.

Christopher Wild, director of the IARC, said that the

study shows “the dynamic nature of the patterns of the

cancer” in time in all the world.

“countries must take into account the specific challenges

that face and priority punctual interventions”,

said Wild, who emphasized the need for measures of

prevention, early detection systems and programs

of treatment effective.

the study used data from GLOBOCAN, a database

compiled by the IARC on estimates of incidence of the

cancer and death rate in 2008 in 184 countries of the world.

researchers found how varied patterns of

lIch am häufigsten verwendeten Arten von Krebs nach vier Stufen der

menschliche Entwicklung und verwendet dann diese Feststellungen, um Projekt

wie Onkologie laden bis 2030 verändern könnte.

die sieben häufigsten Arten von Krebs in der Welt als Sohn:

der Lunge, Brustkrebs, Dickdarmkrebs, Magen, die von

Prostata, der Leber und des Gebärmutterhalses.