NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – imprägnierten Nähten mit

Triclosan nicht verringert die Häufigkeit von Infektionen des Standortes

chirurgische, nach einer Metaanalyse veröffentlicht in den Annalen der


die Autoren der Auffassung, dass “Weitere Studien sind erforderlich,

unabhängig und Qualität im Kontext Recht vor der

sehen den klinischen Einsatz der Routine” über diese Produkte.

angesichts der Bedeutung der mikrobiellen Besiedlung des die

resorbierbarer, sobald sie durch das Gewebe nach dem Vorkommen der gehen

Infektionen, chirurgische Website die Idee geben ihnen

antibakterielle Eigenschaften scheint logisch, sagt das Team von


Wai Keat Chang, von der University of Auckland in Otahuhu.

in USA, die Droge getränkt Nahtmaterial

Triclosan wurden im Jahr 2002 angenommen, aber noch nicht nachgewiesen

Ihre Security and its effectiveness. in fact, a study had

identified an increase in the risk of dehiscence (opening) of


for meta-analysis, the team found seven studies

randomized controlled about 836 patients. in that group, is

detected 30 443 closed wound infections with

impregnated with triclosan sutures and 35 infections in the 393

patients with incisions treated with traditional sutures.

in both groups were recorded, respectively, 17 and 10

healing of the wounds surgical complications that is

translates into a ratio of 1.07 risk.

Although triclosan-impregnated sutures showed

results promising in vitro and in vivo studies, the team

Chang believes that the results show the need of

count on high-quality research “before adopting

this” innovation in daily practice”.

and concludes:” in the absence of an obvious benefit, not is

can recommend the routine use of impregnated sutures in

triclosan. therefore, 43 percent is not justified of

increase estimated costs by the use of these sutures “.

this cost estimate does not include the environmental impact of the

triclosan, which is highly toxic to aquatic life. in

Sweden, impregnated with triclosan sutures are prohibited

in many hospitals by causes environmental. in 2010, Johnson

& Johnson, that produces these sutures, introduced unsuccessfully a

demand judicial to remove that ban.

Meanwhile, in the United States, the Food Administration

and medications and the environmental protection agency are

analyzing the safety of triclosan in antiseptic products

selling massive.

< p> Quelle: Annalen der Chirurgie, online 30. März 2012