blood transfusions saved many lives. the organization World Health believes that “every blood donor is a hero” and under this motto, June 14 is celebrated World Day of the donor’s blood.

blood is divided into red blood cells, plasma and platelets red blood cells are cells whose membrane there are a series of proteins with different functions. group some of these proteins determine blood. have many variants and each variant is a system of groups blood. There are over a hundred, but the most important are the AB0 system and Rh.

the AB0 system was the first to be uncovered. Karl Landsteiner did in 1901 and by this work Nobel Physiology or medicine was awarded in 1930. Austrian scientist noted that there were four major blood groups: A, B, AB and 0.

the Antigen that determines a person’s blood group is red blood cells while plasma there are antibodies that react against antigens from other groups. “Group A has antibodies anti-B. Thus, if transfused to a person in the group a. Group B blood, will have a very severe reaction”, explains Emma Castro, Director Manager of Center of Transfusion of Red Cross in Madrid, Spain.

“also, people with blood of Group B have antibodies anti – a. of the group”0 “, for its part, count, with both anti-A antibodies and antibodies anti-B in such a way that may not receive A, B or AB blood”, says the expert.

but in the case of the Group AB, as it has the two antigens, in its plasma antibodies no anti-A or anti-B. “Why people AB is plasma compatible universal. it can transfusion you with great safety to all groups”, says the specialist. in fact, “is most often used in emergencies plasma, when the blood group of the patient is not known,” adds.

“in past eras coined the idea of the universal donor was the ’0’ negative. This was true when it is transfusing blood total. but now the blood is divided into its components and each patient give you only the need: platelet, plasma or blood cells red. therefore, we have to look at is the compatibility of each component”, says Castro.

in this way, the universal donor’s red blood cells is the group ’0’ negative, but the universal plasma donor is the AB.

as well as “AB0”, another great system of blood groups is the Rh. Es hat mehrere Antigene aber der Grundton ist das D. sind diejenigen, die es haben Rh positiv, und wer sie als Rh negativ. katalogisiert haben, nicht

“In Rh System gibt es keine Antikörper gegen Antigene, die dies nicht haben., die sie nur nach einer Transfusion oder Schwangerschaft auftreten”, erfordert der Doctor.-also, wenn eine Frau mit der Gruppe Rh negative Schwangere eine RH-positive Mann und sein Baby ist Rh positiv, in der ersten Schwangerschaft ist nicht in der Regel passiert nichts. Wenn Sie wieder schwanger werden können viele Probleme. jedoch

Warum ist grundlegend für die Transfusion Gruppe Rh negative Frauen immer mit Rh negatives Blut, sagt der Experte.

Reinigung LEÓN.

EFE Berichten.

ist am 14. Juni feierten den Tag weltweit Geber von Blut. EFE/Kai Forsterling

die Bluttransfusionen gerettet viele Leben. Weltgesundheitsorganisation glaubt, dass “jeder Blutspender ein Held ist” und unter diesem Motto 14. Juni feiert Welttag des Spenders Blut. EFE/Javier Echezarreta.

freiwillige bilden einen Tropfen Blut in Genf (Schweiz) anlässlich der Tag Welt Spender Blut vom 14. Juni 2011, ein Datum, das jedes Jahr für ihre Bedeutung für das Leben zu retten Bewusstsein soll. EFE/SALVATORE DI NOLFI