(www.neomundo.com.ar/ Boletín UNAM-DGCS-409) La Bicicleta Cruza Veloz la Ruta del Ascenso soziale, Pedalea Hacia el Protagonismo ineludible Como el Transporte Más Eficiente y Generador de Salud.

Según Antonio Suárez Bonilla, De La Facultad de Arquitectura (FA) de la UNAM, es el Vehículo Más Rápido de la Ciudad de México, Pues Se Emplea de Trayectos Cortos y Debido a Que la Velocidad de Los Auto de la Urbe de Horas Pico es Por Debajo de Los 14 K/h (Kilómetros Por Hora), la Bici Registra Entre 16 y 17 K/h.


La Ventaja Comparativa De La Bici es Evidente de Trayectos Cortos. Según el Universitario, Puede Sustituir Entre 2.5 y 3.5 Millones de Viajes Diarios Que Actualmente Se Realizan de Otros Medios, Debido a Que el 40 % del total de Los Mismos keine Rebasan Los Ocho Kilómetros de Distancia, Seguro de Que el 70 % de Los Traslados Se Hacen de Transporte Público.

“”In Mexico City, the use of the bicycle is completely viable by its speed and the climate. we have an extraordinary temperature which is, in 80% of the year, high comfort, i.e. to oscillates between 17 and 21 degrees; makes no cold or heat, and is an average that allows all the time abroad; in addition, 70% of the land is flat”, emphasized.

La Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, said the specialist, has been pioneer in the use of this transport, since it implemented the first system of public in Latin America, bicycles and currently has the largest University in the world. program

“there has already been a social change, now we need you to generalize and that there is all the necessary infrastructure, that is why last year we decided to open the first curricula University in Latin America, focusing on the planning of mobility not motorized. this year the diploma of infrastructure cyclist will be taught in September”.


the Coordinator of the cycling infrastructure of the national university diploma also clarified that even if that vehicle is not feasible for large runs, yes it is designed to be complemented by public transport, in what has been called “Lengths of travel”.

“the first occurs when the user scrolls by bicycle from his home to mass transit; the second is the same collective transportation (STC Metro, Metrobus, trolleybus), and the third starts if the previous exit and take a bicycle to go to the Office, to eat or some place.

the best example is the program EcoBici. In sum, more feasible is that the bike in the city replace two tranches of travel”, explained.

bike in the metropolis will be more viable to the extent that has been a housing policy that allows citizens to live near their workplaces.

< p> ’ Aber in den letzten fünf Jahren die verschiedenen sozialen Klassen, insbesondere die Mittel und hoch es, verwenden weil sie in der Regel sind die beliebtesten Regionen leben in Orten wo gibt es höhere Dichte Flächennutzung, ihren Arbeitsplatz, in der Nähe von ’ wimmelte.

“Wir sind an einem Punkt des Übergangs, in dem noch das Fahrrad ist nicht so sicher, weil wir nicht noch eine Reihe von ausreichend Radfahrer auf der Straße sind, aber wir sind zu erreichen: von Mexiko-Stadt werden unter der Radfahrer-Mekkas weltweit, in der gleichen Weise, die Städte wie New York oder Bogotá”.

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