Quito, 28 may (EFE).-the number of deaths by dengue so far of the year in Ecuador rose to 17, while the number of infections rose to 8.399, said today the Ministry of health.

until last week the number of victims of this disease in Ecuador was thirteen, but that figure rose to register in the last days two fatalities in the province of Manabí, another the of Guayas and El Oro, all in the area coastal.

of contagion, total about 140 cases correspond to “severe dengue”, variety that can cause death if the latest report of the Ministry, disseminated today. not attend of timely and effectively, accurately

the province of Manabí appears as the most affected by the tropical disease, registering eight people dead and infected 2.205, 43 of them with serious variety.

< p> In Guayas, whose capital is Guayaquil, the largest city in the country, reported five deaths and infected 2.151, 58 of them with “severe dengue”.

there have been deaths in the provinces of Santa Elena (1), gold (1) and Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas (1).

last year, in the same period, were 2.213 cases of dengue and just two deaths, according to the statistics of the Ministry.

dengue fever is a tropical disease caused by the bite of the mosquito “aedes aegypti”, which proliferates in the stagnant waters that produce the same rains that have been abundant in the past five months in the coast of Ecuador.

expected rainy season forward in June to give way to the dry, time also known as the equator, summer that extends to September.

according to Das Ministerium hat 70 % der ecuadorianischen Territorium Umweltbedingungen förderlich für die Entstehung von Dengue-Fieber, deren Symptome Fieber, Kopfschmerzen, Übelkeit und Haut-Hautausschläge sind. EFE