managua, 3 jul (EFE).-the Salvadoran judge of the Central American Court of Justice (CCJ) Ricardo Acevedo was considered today that Costa Rica does not know that regional court and their failure rate for ’political and not legal reasons’.

the magistrate referred today to the issue once Costa Rica repudiation this Monday a ruling of the regional court which unanimously condemned that country to build a 160 kilometre road that, according to the Court, causes damage environmental on the border river San Juan, sovereignty Nicaraguan.

Costa Rica described that ruling as “spurious and illegitimate” and today announced it is absent from the system of the Central American integration (SICA) during this semester, in which Nicaragua shall exercise the Presidency pro tempore of the body.

of Costa Rica “are political statements, have no legal basis,” said judge Acevedo to the local TV channel 12.

according to Acevedo, Costa Rica must comply with the decisions of the regional court, with headquarters in Managua, because it is a State signatory of the Tegucigalpa Protocol in 1991.

Costa Rica does not belong to the Central American Court and has not ratified the Statute of that Court, so it does not recognize its authority.

Acevedo admitted that San Jose has not ratified the Statute of the tribunal, but insisted that “the fundamental document which States are obliged” to abide by the judgments of the Central American Court “is the Protocol of Tegucigalpa”.

the Court explained, will send a copy of its judgment against Costa Rica to SICA Member States and to the Secretariat of that body, as well as to the Organization of American States and to the Organization of the United Nations.

regional court sentenced to Costa Rica Por Construir de el Margen Sur del Río San Juan Una Carretera “de Alto Riesgo y Peligrosidad Ambiental”, Que Provoca “Daños Ecológicos y Conexos”.

Por Su Parte, el Delegado Nicaragüense Para el Dragado del Río San Juan, Edén Pastora, Calificó Hoy Como “schwerwiegenden Fehler” de Costa Rica keine Acatar el Fallo De La Corte Centroamericana, Documento Que, Afirmó, Ayudará ein Nicaragua de la Demanda Introducida ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ).

Nicaragua Demandó de Diciembre Pasado eine Costa Rica ante la CIJ, Sede de La Haya, Holanda, Por Los Supuestos Daños Ambientales Que Provoca En el Río San Juan la Carretera Costarricense. con

y Nicaragua Costa Rica Mantienen Otra Disputa territorial, ante la CIJ, a la Que de Octubre de 2010 Acudió Costa Rica Abs. Acusar Nicaragua de Invadir Con Militares y Civiles y Causar Daños Ambientales a un Humedal Fronterizo de el Caribe, En un Territorio Que Ambos Países Reclaman Como Propio.

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