London (Reuters) – forget about anabolic steroids in

easy-to-swallow tablets or syringes sterilized. the

old cases of doping have been documented episodes in which a

athlete chew testicles raw animals

the problem of some competitors at the games taking

potions, medicines or supplements is as old as the own


athletes of the 19th century or even thought to be

stronger with leaves of coca, cocaine and alcohol. Thomas Hicks

won the marathon Olympic 1904 with the help of raw, eggs

strychnine and drinks of cognac that his coach gave him to

intervals regular.

“doping has always been part of the Olympics, but the

drugs have not always been seen as a problem, (but that)

have become a problem”, stated to Reuters Martin

Polley”, Olympic events of the Southampton historian


University in Great Britain.

experts say that what carried people to the end

then they are probably the same reasons I now

move to the athletes to doping it.

after all, the desire to win at any cost should

have been very strong to induce athletes to eat

testicles, although as it highlights Polley,” possibly

was also seen as a sign of masculinity “.

the difference now is that drugs are safer,

difficult to detect and more sophisticated. and perception on

cheating has changed.

athletes that competed in the first Olympics

modern, that began in Athens in 1896, they were

perfectly free to take medicines, stimulating and

“Tonic”, sagte Vanessa Heggie, ein Historiker, der die Verwendung von

Drogen im Sport von der Cambridge University.

Injektionen von Strychnin, Konsum von Kokain und trinkt

Alkohol dienten als normale Arztpraxen für

behandeln Kopfschmerzen und Müdigkeit, die Idee, erklärte in einem Interview.

war, dass Athleten Medikamente lindern Sie schlucken konnte

bestimmte Krankheiten, wie der Rest der Menschen.

” Athleten waren im Grunde alle Medikamente und

Stoffe, die normale Menschen inklusive Essen, die

Strychnin, Amphetamine und Kokain “, behauptet Heggie.

” das ist weil damals die Athleten von der

Gesellschaft meist als grundsätzlich normale Menschen, aber ein

wenig besser “, sagte.

verändert die Wahrnehmung der Athleten, auch

ist Alteró la Percepción Sobre Qué Medicinas, Suplementos y

Estimulantes Podrían Permitírseles Consumir.

“Lo Que Nosotros Consideramos Como Una Droga Cambia Durante

el Tiempo”, Declaró Heggie. “A Veces es un Medicamento, Otras Se

Cree Que es Alimento, y Luego a Veces Se Piensa Que Hay Cosas

Más Ilícitas, Como Drogas Recreacionales (…) Y Algunas

Sustancias Están de Todas Esas Categorías”, Dijo.


Polley Würfel Que el Cambio de Actitud Hacia el uso de Drogas

de Los Deportes Inicialmente Se Vio Gattungen Por Preocupaciones

Sobre el Efecto de Estas Sustancias de la Salud de Los Atletas.

Destacó la Muerte del Ciclista Danés Knud Enemark Jensen de

Los Juegos de Roma 1960 – Que Se Piensa Fue Causada Por el uso de

Anfetaminas-Como un Punto de Quiebre Sobre el Dopaje Para el

Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI).

“That is often seen as the moment in which the IOC gave

account that there was a problem”, said.

from then onwards, the fight against doping began to

increase, along with the sophistication of the tests

doctors, but it is often considered that the contest against the

make trap is difficult.

as soon as the battle against stimulant and

steroids began to produce results, the potential

deceptions became the blood doping in the 1970s and


the IOC banned blood as a method in 1986, doping

but could not deploy a reliable for drug review

erythropoietin (EPO) to the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.

now the World Anti-Doping Agency has a list with

hundreds of substances banned.

and flüssige Cronomatografia Prüfung Mannschaften und

Spektralphotometrie der Massen Doping-Labors von London

2012 verarbeitet bis zu 400 Exemplare pro Tag um mehr als 240

Stoffe Veto in weniger 24 Stunden.

sowieso Historiker der Spiele sind

Versicherung, dass diejenigen, die sicher immer sind, gehen Sie einen Schritt vorwärts.

wie Heggie sagt: “Es ist ein Rennen und ich glaube nicht, dass einige

Zeit, können wir es gewinnen”.