new YORK (Reuters Health – a study shows that the
application of two Ordinances of labor spaces free of
smoke declined a third heart attacks in a county of
Minnesota, United States.
lead author attributed it to a reduction of the
exposure to the smoke of second hand in restaurants and bars, already
that smoke can cause heart disorders by its effects in
arteries and blood clotting.
but other tobacco specialist questioned the
relationship between strokes decreasing and application of
Ordinances prohibiting smoking since 2002 in the
restaurants and from 2007, in all places of work,
including bars.
clinic team Mayo in Rochester, Minnesota,
noted that in the 18 months prior to the approval of the
first) Ordinance, in the County of Olmsted had 151 strokes
per every 100,000 inhabitants to the 18 months of the second
Ordinance, rate was 101 by each 100,000.
Dr. Richard Hurt recalled that other studies, including
one mountain, they had also suggested that laws of
labor spaces smoke-free would reduce the amount of
but added that “there were doubts among researchers if
results were real. think we got the
more definitive results are available on the rules of
smoke-free spaces and heart attacks”.
Hurt, who led the new study, said than others
factors that predict a heart attack (cholesterol, the
hypertension, diabetes and obesity) remained stable
or increased in the County during the study. “only thing
< p””> changed were labor spaces smoke-free laws”,
some 3,600 municipalities have laws that limit the
places where can I smoke and more than 1,000 include a
clause on clearances of smoke, according to the
Foundation-American rights of the non smokers.
Hurt said that the results also can be explained
biological: exposure to second-hand smoke can cause
immediate changes in the walls of the aorta and make the
blood platelets are more sticky, what facilitates the
harmful clots from forming.
results, published in Archives of Internal Medicine,
coincide with the recommendation of the Institute of medicine to the
Government of United States.
in 2009, declared that “data show that the
exhibition” Al Humo de Segunda Mano Eleva el Riesgo de Padecer
Enfermedad Coronaria e Infartos, y Que la Prohibición de Fumar
ese Riesgo reduzieren “.
Con Su Equipo, Hurt Halló Que Los Infartos Habían Disminuido
antes de las Ordenanzas y Que la Implementación de las Normas
Aceleró ese Descenso.
Pero el Análisis kein Convenció al Arzt Michael Siegel,
Investigador De La Facultad de Salud Pública De La Boston
” El Problema es Que el Estudio Carece de un Grupo Kontrolle o
de Comparación. Es Apenas Una Mirada de lo Que Ocurrió antes y
Después De La Aplicación de las Ordenanzas de un Condado “,
Precisó Siegel, Que no Participó del Estudio.
” kein Sabemos Si Los Infartos También Disminuyeron de Otros
Condados de Minnesota sündigen Una Ley de Espacios Libres de Humo.
Sin Esa Información, keine Veo Cómo Se Puede Atribuir (ese
< p(> Descenso) an die Regeln “, hinzugefügt.
Siegel darauf hingewiesen, dass überzeugender Beweis es verbunden ist
mit einem Schutz gegen Asthma und andere pulmonale Erkrankungen.
” muss nicht beweisen, dass Herzinfarkte schnell verringern.
es gibt viele Gründe, (diese Gesetze) zu unterstützen “, sagte.
Quelle: Archiv für Innere Medizin, online 29. Oktober