London, 16 oct (EFE).-Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai, attacked by the Taliban to defend the female, education progresses in the United Kingdom where it is treated in hospital and the doctors as programan Surgery Reconstructive, informed the director of the Centre doctor.

Malala, of 15 years, was moved yesterday in an airplane ambulance to hospital Queen Elisabeth of Birmingham (Central England) from Islamabad (Pakistan), where was served after the attack taliban which suffered last week, when he came home from school.

hospital, Dave Rosser, director said today that doctors were”impressed”by the”resistance and strength”of the teenager, who has progressed in the last hours.

will however, need to receive reconstructive surgery to treat”horrific injuries”that caused the two shots he received, one in the head and another in the neck.

“Wir haben internationale Experten auf diesem Gebiet haben damit begonnen, die Operationen zu planen “Rosser, hinzugefügt Sie angegeben, dass dieser Schritt durch den OP-Saal Teil der”längeren Behandlung”, die der Minderjährige erhalten ist, um”physisch und psychisch”wiederherzustellen.

seit seiner Ankunft im Queen Elisabeth bestellt die britische Regierung Maßnahmen der Überwachung und Sicherheit-Special in der Nähe Zimmer der Malala, wie ein Sprecher von Downing Street. bestätigt wurde


heute Morgen war ein Vorfall, wenn mehrere Personen, die fälschlicherweise behauptet, der Minderjährige – Unterstützer ihrer Sache, nach der Polizei – informieren wurden verhaftet, am Eingang des Krankenhauses.

nach der Verhaftung, Rosser verweigert, es werde”eine Bedrohung der Sicherheit”der Teenager, da, wie er betont, diese Menschen nicht teilgenommen die sanitären Testorganisationseinheit

die case has aroused great interest in the United Kingdom and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, William Hague, has defended today in an article in the evening newspaper “Evening Standard” that the country “is and will be with the Executive and the Pakistani people” in their fight for democracy.

“We don’t do this just because it is in our character worry about girls who do not have access to education but because it is also part of our national interest”, said Hague to talk the former colonial British.

the Ummah in the United Kingdom joined the good wishes for the recovery of Malala with statements by the representative of the community of mosques in the country, Farooq Murad.

“we have been praying for her since the occurred tragedy. now that he is among us, our thoughts are with her, her family, and with the other girls wounded in this criminal attack”, stated.

Farooq Murad hinzugefügt, dass der Angriff “verurteilt werden muss” und dass es vernünftig ist, dass diese Ablehnung von Politikern und führenden religiösen Pakistani kommt.