. On average, moms had 44 years and adolescents, 16. According to Ruvio, analyzed the influences in both directions, i.e. from the mother to the teenager and vice versa. its purpose was to analyze if the “boys affect the consumption behavior of the parents in relation to the products they buy the same parents”.

and it turned out that if mothers feel young, have a high sense of fashion and considered that her daughter choose well the clothes wearing, they will then tend to imitate the habits of the adolescent.

Conversely, if the daughter is interested in fashion and is considered larger than it really is, then has little chance to see her mother as a model to follow in terms of the way of dressing and items to purchase.

“is not only the Act of imitation to be aware. Unsere Ergebnisse deutlich anzugeben, daß Themen Abbildung emulieren möchten und seine Neigung entscheiden zu einer Nachahmung des Verhaltens der Verbrauch erfasst ’.

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