new YORK (Reuters Health) – infants with fever and aches

receive acetaminophen – or paracetamol-would have high risk

develop the asthma-like symptoms in the years of the


thus, a study of about 411 children Denmark joins a

medical literature contradictory about the existence or not of a

relationship between the drug better known as Tylenol and the risk

of children developing asthma.

the authors found that when more acetaminophen received

were more likely children in infancy, to develop

symptoms similar to asthma in the first childhood. but

this statistical relationship does not prove that the drug causes

respiratory disorders, as clarified the main, author

Dr. Hans Bisgaard, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of

Copenhagen, Denmark.

“”Ist es zu früh zu schließen, dass eine Beziehung

kausale”, sagte durch E-mail.

noch, Bisgaard argumentiert, dass die Ergebnisse sollten

Förderung neue Studien über “Mechanismus

biologische” von würde, dass Paracetamol induzieren Asthma.

die Studie, veröffentlicht in der Journal of Allergy and Clinical

Immunologie, inklusive 336 Kinder wurden untersucht, während die sieben

ersten Jahre des Lebens. alle hatte asthmatische Mütter, was

erhöhen Sie das Risiko der Krankheit zu entwickeln


19 Prozent der Kinder hatte Asthma-Symptome zu der

drei Jahren (wiederkehrende Krisen Keuchen, Atemnot oder Husten). und eine

größere Menge von Paracetamol während der ersten verabreicht

Jahr des Lebens, das erhöhte Risiko wurden Kinder entwickeln, die

Symptome. überhaupt ist verdoppelt die Anzahl der Tage, die ein

Baby He had received the drug, your risk of developing

asthmatic symptoms grew 28 percent.

but the relationship disappeared when the children were seven

years. currently, 14 percent of children had asthma and

risk was not higher in those who had received acetaminophen

in children.

with this, the results describe a reality not so

worrying as in previous studies, according to felt Dr.

Henry Milgrom, of National Jewish Health, Denver, and that not

participated in the study. but the research is not definitive,

said. “does not answer the question. generates more questions.”

discard certain effects of acetaminophen in the risk of

develop asthma is quite cheat. the reason main is

that asthmatic children tend to suffer from infection

respiratory more serious; Ihre Erkältungen werden oft im konvertiert

Bronchitis oder Lungenentzündung. über Mode, das Sinn macht, da

Paracetamol mit häufiger als andere Kinder.

Quelle: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology online

26. Oktober 2012