rio de Janeiro, 9 may (EFE).-the Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer, aged 104, who takes seven days hospitalized with symptoms of pneumonia and dehydration, said in a message that he wants to leave hospital “soon” and continue with their projects professionals.

“I’m fine, but I want to leave as soon as possible of this hospital to care for my projects,” said the architect in a brief message picked up by his grandson and photographer Kadu Niemeyer for the portal IG.

Niemeyer recalled in the message that before being hospitalized was working on the project of a new headquarters of the restaurant “Provincia”, in Rio de Janeiro, and the launch of a new edition of its magazine “Nosso Caminho”.

El doctor Fernando Gjorup, of the Samaritan Hospital in Rio de Janeiro, said Wednesday the journalists that Niemeyer presented a “small improvement in his box of dehydration”, remains lucid and breathes without help of appliances, but still without anticipation of high.

clinic, for its part, issued a statement in which declared that the State of health of Niemeyer “is stable and are treating venous with antibiotics and serum”.

in April 2010, Niemeyer was 12 days hospitalized in the same clinic by an infection urinary tract.

renowned architect, whose works, reinforced concrete and in the form of curves have been lifted in several cities around the world, was entered for three weeks between September and October 2009, when he was treated for a tumor in the colon and was removed to the gallbladder.

in June 2009, the architect was admitted to Cardiotrauma hospital for low back pain and discharged after a series of examinations and in 2006 came to stay 11 days hospitalized for a fall.

< p> Der Architekt noch aktiv und die im Dezember letzten Jahres präsentiert Projekte für das Hauptquartier der Universidad Latinoamericana (Unila), ist der Autor der meisten der Regierungsgebäude in Brasilia, der Hauptstadt des Landes, entworfen von Kratz- und 1960 eröffnete.