alicante, 3 jul (EFE).-the Minister of health, Luis Rosado, reported this afternoon that there is no “no cases of special seriousness” among eight people affected by the outbreak of Legionnaire’s disease detected in a hotel in Calpe (Alicante).

Rosado has made these statements to journalists before intervening in a briefing held at the official College of physicians of Alicante on the measures for the containment of expenditure on health by the Government taken valenciano.

according to the Minister, since the outbreak was detected in the third week of June, “everything is being done in a correct and orderly manner”, although the facts “have forced to close the hotel so no new cases occur and isolate the germ”.

Diamond Beach SPA, this hotel was already closed for a few days last month of February when nineteen people were affected by legionella, of which three died.

in this occasion have been eight five Spaniards (four in Madrid and one in Valencia), three Belgian citizens and concerned.

When asked what has been wrong, pink has explained that “there is compelling evidence that there was absence of germs validated by up to three companies at the highest level nationally and internationally in the control of legionella” and that’s why we proceeded to the reopening of the hotel.

“hotels are specially monitored by this aspect of the Comunitat Valenciana”, “if it was open, was with all the guarantees that the Centre lacked legionella at that time”, has asserted the Minister.

However, has recalled that this is a germ that ’disappears’ and that “in certain moments reappears after a cantonment somewhere where not able to be detected”, rather than “occurs with” relative Häufigkeit”.