new YORK (Reuters Health) – one in every eight teenagers

he used powerful painkillers without a physician had them

prescribed and many of them begin to do more precociously

than what was thought.

this arises from two national surveys on the use of

analgesics of prescription among the adolescents. these

products include drugs such as the OxyContin and codeine.

in the last two decades, medical and recreational use of

these opioids grew up in United States. increased the

mortality from overdose of painkillers.

Los CDC estimate that 14,800 Americans died by

overdose in 2008, this is three times more that makes 20 years.

“the non-medical use of controlled prescription drugs (between

the)” Adolescentes) Superó al de Casi Todas Las Drogas, Excepto la

Marihuana “, Indicó el Pediatra Robert Fortuna, del Centro Médico

de Universität Rochester, Nueva York.” Es Una Tenedencia

Alarmante “, Agregó.

Fortuna, Que no Participó del Estudio, Señaló Que Cada Vez

Más Médicos Les Recetan a Los Niños Analgésicos Poderosos Para

Tratar el Dolor de Espalda o Rodilla. Algunos de Esos Fármacos

Pasan ein Tener un uso Recreativo.

” La Mayoría de Estos Niños Siguen Tomando Los Medicamentos

Según la Indicación Médica “, Dijo Sean Esteban McCabe, de

Universität von Michigan, Ann Arbor, y Que Dirigió Uno de Los Dos

Nuevos Estudios.

Con Su Equipo, Analizó Las Respuestas de Una Umfragen eine Unos

7,400 Estudiantes Secundarios Entre el 2007 y el 2009.

El 13 Por Ciento de Ellos, Que Concurrían a 135 Escuelas

Públicas y Privadas, Dijo Que Alguna Vez Había ele

Analgésicos de Venta Bajo Receta Por Motivos Que kein Eran

Clínicos, Como Para Sentirse Mejor o Aliviar Algún augue sin

Steuerelement Médico.

Esos Adolescentes Eran Más Propensos ein Marihuana Fumar

Tabaco o Darse Atracones con el Alkohol Que Los Que Sólo Habían

Tomado Los Medicamentos Steuerelement Médico o Que kein Los Habían con


La Mayoría de Los Que Habían ele Los Fármacos

Recreativamente Había Tenido Acceso a Esos Productos Por

Indicación Médica Debido a Alguna Enfermedad. Los Adolescentes

Continúan Tomando las Píldoras Sobrantes o las Obtienen de

Familiares o Amor a Los Que Se Les Recetan.

“Existiría Una Actitud Bastante informellen Frente a la

Conducta de Compartir Medicamentos Que Pueden Werkzeug Adicción”,

Dijo McCabe. “Algunos Adolescentes Toman Opioides Abs.

Autotratar “pain, when the best thing for them would be that a

professional check that pain”, added.

another survey of adolescents and young people aged between 12 and 21

revealed that the majority had adopted the habit of taking

painkillers to the 16 or 17 years old, and not at the end of the school

child as they had suggested studies prior.

at 16, one in every 30 or 40 teenagers had tried his

first analgesic without medical indication, as published by the team

James Anthony, of Michigan State University, East Lansing, in

Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, along with the

study of McCabe.

many less, however, had begun to experiment with

these drugs in the Group of those who never had them

used recreationally. 120,000 took part in the survey

adolescents and young people.

for Anthony, the results suggest that the programs

aimed at keeping young people away from pain relievers

should begin in the early years of the College secondary.

If not, “we are losing an opportunity to prevent the

problem of the abuse of drugs in the early years of the

adolescence”, added.

quantity (13 per cent) of students in the last year

secondary that had used painkillers without a reason

clinical is lower than that registered in some communities,

such as Detroit.

McCabe team therefore recommends that the

schools and communities carry out their own surveys

to determine if drug abuse is a problem in

their populations before taking any measurement.

source: Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine,

online 7. Mai 2012.