Santo Domingo, 5 jul (EFE).-the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) considers that the health systems in the region “do not conform” rapidly adapted to changes in the current epidemiological profile, which are reflected in phenomena such as the increase of chronic diseases or aging of the population.

the Director of PAHO, Mirta Roses, said today that there are “many imbalances in the training of personnel of health. There are many doctors and few nurses, chronic diseases that require new skills ’.

in statements to Efe, warned about the need for increased funding for health and although recalled that the region is”the best vaccinated worldwide”, pointed out that this implies a”sacrifice large in the allocation of resources”.

“There is still much financing put in hospitals and little in health prevention and promotion,”explained.

the Director of PAHO, who today participated in the opening of the 28th meeting of the Health Sector of Central America and Dominican Republic (Resscad), which ends tomorrow, said that these are “new problems” arising from the greater expectation of life and changes in the ways of life and consumption.

the American region has the index of urbanization more high in the world and in its territory are ten of the largest cities on the planet, underlined.

“Is wildly changing epidemiological profile and systems are not adjusted so quickly”, explained.

in terms of the general situation of health in the continent, Roses said the region has”always the challenge of inequality, with the greatest differences of income in the world”.

this situation, he believed, is related to pending reforms such as the Prosecutor or the possession of land, issues that “are outside the sector health”, but have an impact on health “in a strong manner”.

in Krankheiten, chronische Beschwerden “sie sind überwältigen viel” auf Bereiche wie Mittelamerika, deren Länder mittleren Einkommen niedrig und wo sind “chronischer Nierenerkrankung, sorgen, weil Zunahme der Dialysepatienten, Diabetes, Übergewicht, Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Krebs,”.

Rosen betont die “Mühe”, die in diesen Ländern mit den Systemen der sozialen Sicherheit getan wird “erfüllen diese neue Anforderungen, während Infektionskrankheiten sind reduzieren, sogar AIDS. sind weniger neue Fälle von AIDS in der Region”, fügte er. EFE
