London, 9 oct (EFE).-pediatricians have called on the British health authorities to limit the time children spend in front of television screens or computers, because they cause damage to its development.

obsession with children by television, computers and video games cause damage in physical and cognitive development in the long term, as it has warned a group of Pediatricians in an article published in the medical journal “Archives of Disease in Childhood” and written by Dr. Aric Sigman, author of a book to the regard.

a British child spends average six hours a day to these activities while in your home, says Sigman, to which should be added the time that passes in front of the screens of the computers while you are in College, while in North America this average nearly eight hours daily.

according to “Sigman, the most severe brain damage occurs during the first three years of life of children, since at that moment is when you most need to interact with their parents and not a machine.

in addition, the risk of obesity and heart problems increases considerably from two hours daily of sedentary lifestyle.

Sigman suggests as well that British health authorities set a limit of two hours a day for children between 3 and 16 years, while children under 3 years should not be in contact with these devices in any way.

in United States, Canada and Australia have been established recommendations in terms of the number of hours that children should move against the screens, but not in the United Kingdom, a situation that”worry”to medical pediatricians of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

“”Ob Handys, Konsolen, Fernseher oder Laptops, technologische Fortschritte Kinder zunehmend verbringen mehr Zeit vor den Bildschirmen. im Laufe der Zeit verursachen am meisten betroffen sind”, sagte Mitch Blair, Mitglied dieser Institution.

in den USA, das Gesundheitsministerium empfiehlt, dass Minderjährige nicht mehr als zwei Stunden gehen eines Tages gegen die Bildschirme und betont, dass diese technischen Geräte keinen Nutzen für Kinder unter zwei Jahren.

ihrerseits der Pediatric Society of Canada empfohlen, jedes Kind einen Fernseher, einen Computer oder ein Videospiel in seinem Zimmer hat. EFE