Barcelona, 28 jun (EFE).-the President of the Catalan of Health Institute (ICS), Josep Prat, has resigned from his public office weeks after being at the Centre of controversy for its links with cases of alleged corruption in the health public.

Prat has requested to be relieved as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the ICS in order “to devote their efforts to address issues that affect you, that are unrelated to the public Institute” and the Minister of health, Boi Ruiz, has accepted your request, as reported by the Department of health in a statement.

the President of ICS appears sprinkled with in cases of alleged embezzlement of public funds of his tenure as Manager of the “holding” health innovates in the town of Reus (Tarragona).

Reus (CiU-PP) Government team recently took to the Court of Auditors and to the Prosecutor’s Office various invoices paid by Innova under the mandate of Prat which were not justified.

in nicht gerechtfertigt, es ist aufrecht Innova Exdirector CatSalut Carles Manté und Architekt Jorge Batesteza für einen Gesamtbetrag von 1.107.120 Euro.

aufgrund dieser angeblichen Unregelmäßigkeiten, PSK fragte vor ein paar Tagen die Verfassung eines Untersuchungsausschusses in das Parlament über die Verwaltung von Gesundheitszentren, in denen Prat, der Minister erscheinen müssen Gesundheit, Boi Ruiz und der sozialistischen Exconsellera Kugel dies u.a. Marina Geli,

Monaten, Prat erhielt auch eine Lawine der Kritik auf angebliche Inkonsistenzen in seine Position, um den Vorsitz der ICS mit einem Beitrag in der privaten Konsortium USP Krankenhäusern zu kombinieren, die schließlich im Januar verließ.