assures that it will comply with plan balance, although he adds that “immovable” this is the figure of total saving


the new Minister of health, family and Social well-being of Baleares, Martí Sansaloni, indicated Friday that its “priorities” are those that the President of the regional government, Jose Ramon Bauza, marked and that they consist of the sustainability of the public health system and a necessary dialogue with the sector.

in statements to the media after his takeover, Sansaloni has also remarked that it will meet the plan of balance of community because “we have committed ourselves with Madrid”. However, subsequently on the measure concrete of the closing of the General Hospital and Joan March pointed out that this closure was included “to reach the sum” total of savings and that what is “immovable” is the total amount referred to in the Plan.

the new Counsellor has also advanced that during the first Consell de Govern will not be structure of Ib-Salut, nor primary care “but yes you can resize to appoint the best people”. “Structural changes there will be”, he added Sansaloni, who also revealed that you already know who will occupy the post of director general of the Ib-Salut, although it has not revealed.

in this sense, said that people of “key posts” on your computer are already “decided”. There will not be a change in the structure but can be left vacant, said.

Sansaloni, who on several occasions has requested respect for his person and “a little peace” journalists for doing just a few minutes which is conseller, has pointed out that this afternoon at 19.30 hours will have its first meeting as Autonome Manager mit dem Ziel, “die Road Map set” Ihrer Abteilung.