Bogota, July 28 (EFE).-the Colombian President, Juan Manuel Santos, revealed today that the Vice President of the country, Angelino Garzon, recovers from brain ischemia that suffered last June but acknowledged that it is “somewhat prevented” from his side left.

“Continues in his physiotherapy, is a little stunted on the left side but is recovering at a speed that really impressed me on the positive,” revealed today Santos to intervene in a public ceremony in the town of Socorro, North-East of the country.

Santos stated that he made this week a visit to Garzon and found it “much better than I imagined, very lucid, very well informed”.

with Garzon, he added, “we discuss all kinds of topics” and the high office ’follows in his physiotherapy’.

“We talk about all the issues, is very informed, updated and in good spirits,” said Santos.

< p> Friday, the last medical party pointed out that the Colombian Vice-President “presents a positive evolution” in his recovery.

past July 6 Garzón was given high clinical Queen Sofia, of Bogotá, in where he was 22 days after suffering ischemia brain.

Garzon was hospitalized since last June 14, apparently sick from an infection of the prostate, but after a few days in the clinic was presented the sickness stroke in the midbrain, which commits several vital functions and point of which was operated of urgency.

the high office has been in addition to Vice President of Santos, Minister of labour in the Government of Andrés Pastrana (1998-2002) and Ambassador in Geneva to the United Nations during the Presidency of Álvaro Uribe (2002-2010) and came to Office after several years as a trade union leader.

< p> Der Vizepräsident von Kolumbien, Angelino Garzon. WireImage /