New Delhi, 7 Dec (EFE).-at least seven people, including a woman, have died after drinking adulterated alcohol in a village in the Bihar region, in the North of the India, today reported a source police.

event occurred last night in the town of Anitha, in the District of Bhojpur, said a police officer from the region to the Indian agency IANS.

the source assured that the victims began to feel a strong stomach ache and vomiting after ingesting alcohol and revealed that so far the police had no knowledge of what happened.

illegal alcohol poisoning is relatively common in rural areas of the India and those affected usually classes more disadvantaged.

a year ago, about 170 people were killed and about 350 were hospitalized after buying and consuming homemade alcohol adulterated in various establishments in the town of Sangrampur, in the East of Bengal State

the in Indien verzeichnet höhere Vergiftung durch gepanschten Alkohol Konsum im Jahr 1992 in den Zustand von Orissa – heute – ähnlich wie die bekannten ein Ereignis aufgetreten ist und verursachte den Tod von 200 Personen. EFE