Port-au-Prince, 9 nov (EFE).-the number of cases of cholera in Haiti grew after the passage of the hurricane “Sandy”, which hit the country in late October, and the dead, according to local authorities, added 7.626.

according to data from the Ministry of public health and population of date October 30, 607.508 people have been affected by the disease since the beginning of the epidemic, in October 2010.

after the passage of “Sandy”, according to the World Health Organization (who), has detected an increase in the number of cholera cases in South, Southeast and West of the country, although at the moment this increase is not attributed directly to the hurricane.

storm, which destroyed 61 centers of cholera treatment (CTC), left thousands of people without access to basic services in health, water and education, according to the Haitian Government.

the verheerenden Zyklon, die die Regierung im ganzen Land den Ausnahmezustand zu erklären und zu beantragen, eine Beihilfe von $ 39 Millionen am dringendsten humanitären Bedürfnisse erfüllen gezwungen, getötet 54 Personen und 22 fehlt.

richten sich mehrere Menschen mit Cholera im Zentrum für die Behandlung der Cholera von Ärzte ohne Grenzen in Port-au-Prince (Haiti). EFE