new YORK (Reuters Health) – supplements of vitamin D

and calcium that are taken together in low dose not provided

protection against dementia in a broad study in

United States among older women, but scientists still

only have hopes regarding the consumption of vitamin D


previous investigations have suggested that vitamin D

it would protect against memory loss and functional deterioration

general of the aged brain.

but more than 2,000 women in the new study that took

400 international units a day of vitamin D and 1,000

milligrams of calcium daily for an average of eight years

developed cognitive problems at similar rates to the of a

comparison group that took pills placebo.

However, during the many years that it was taken the

study, experts obtained a better understanding of how

calcium and vitamin D could have contradictory effects

by which the combination of the two would explain the results

disappointing, they indicated the authors.

“believe that the definitive study should look at the effects

only of vitamin D”, said the lead author, Dr.

Rebecca Rossom, HealthPartners Institute for Education and

Research, an entity without aims of profit.

his study, published in Journal of the American Geriatrics

Society, is the first to use the rigorous approach randomized and

double blind with a group of control to observe possible

effects of vitamin D and calcium in cognitive impairment.

more and her team analyzed data from 4,100 women 71

years on average participated in two trials. all were

free kognitive Probleme zu Beginn der Studien. die

ergänzt, während der Rest halb empfangene Dosen

konsumiert Pillen ohne Prinzipien Vermögen.

um von 100 Frauen oder 5 Prozent, in jeder Gruppe

MCI, entwickelt ein Begriff, der kann

umfassen von Gedächtnisstörungen bis schwerer Demenz als die

der Alzheimer-Krankheit

mehr als 16 Millionen Amerikaner leiden unter irgendeiner Form

kognitive Beeinträchtigungen, entsprechend dem Zentren für die Kontrolle und die

USA die Prävention (unter ihrer Abkürzung CDC

in Englisch), und erwartet, dass das Problem schlimmer als die

Bevölkerung Altern.

Quelle: Journal der amerikanischen Geriatrie Gesellschaft, online

23. November 2012