new YORK (Reuters Health) – new recommendations of a

panel of Experts backed Government urged to the

primary care physicians to talk with teenagers and the

young skinned about the importance of using guards

solar and protect skin from the Sun.

The Special Commission of preventive services States

United (USPSTF, by its acronym in English) ensures that you have with

’sufficient evidence’ with respect to which that orientation, which

includes the warning not to use tanning beds, promotes

behaviors safe without damage potential.

“there were a number of different approaches to achieve this, but

none was aimed to help young people understand that

exposure to the Sun and solar, beds they use

to Tan, injure the skin and make it look nasty”,

said Dr. Virginia Moyer, Director of the Commission and

specialist of Baylor College of medicine, in Houston

on the other hand, he said that adolescents would not respond

to messages that warn about the risks of developing

skin cancer in the long term.

skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in

United States. Although most develops forms less

risky life called basal cell cancer or

cancer of squamous, the number of melanomas is

growing (came to about 70,000 cases in 2011), according to published

team Moyer in Annals of Internal Medicine.

for authors, the modification of behaviors at ages

early reduces the risk of developing skin cancer in the

age adult.

in 2009, the USPSTF concluded that there were no evidence

enough um zu bestimmen, ein Gleichgewicht zwischen den Vorteilen und

Risiken für die Prüfung des ganzen Körpers, um Krebs zu erkennen

in Erwachsene.

aber eine aktuelle Studie in Deutschland haben gezeigt, dass in einer

Region, die diese Art von Tests angeboten, die Sterblichkeit nach

Hautkrebs fiel fast 50 Prozent (ein Tod oder

zumindest für Melanom pro 100.000 Einwohner pro Jahr).

in benachbarten Regionen, ohne Prüfungen, Preise ist

Screening für Erwachsene begann

immer gleich in Time.

Schleswig-Holstein 2003 und 2004, und gilt bereits in allen die

Land mit laufenden Forschungsarbeiten über die Auswirkungen in der Rate

der Sterblichkeit.

Quellen: Annals of Internal Medicine, online 7. Mai von der

2012, und Krebs, online 19. April von der 2012.