Mexiko, 27 APR (EFE).-Gesundheitsbehörden von Mexiko hat heute bestätigt, dass Informationen aus einer außergewöhnlichen natürlichen Schwangerschaft von Nonillizos, die gestern im Land entstanden auf false festgelegt ist und die Frau Anspruch auf schwangere zu “leere Gebärmutter” hat.

“führte eine Reihe von medizinischen Studien, innerhalb derer ein Ultraschall (…) ist sowohl als Transvaginal Bauch- und das Ergebnis davon ist eine leere Gebärmutter, gibt es keine Schwangerschaftsdiabetes Sac”, sagte den Sekretär der Gesundheit für den Bundesstaat Coahuila, Berta Cristina Castellanos Munoz, Anmeldungen Radio Format.

Mittwochabend eine wichtige Kette von Fernsehen und einige mexikanischen elektronischen Medien ergab, dass eine Frau von 32 Jahren, die angeblich bereits Informationen zufolge war die Mutter von vier Kindern, drei von ihnen Drillinge, ein weiteres Multiple von neun Kindern dargestellt Schwangerschaft unveröffentlicht in Mexiko und wahrscheinlich in der Welt.

< p”> A multiple pregnancy can occur by natural causes when some women produce many follicles in a cycle if they are released all at the same time, according to medical sources consulted by Efe.

early versions of the fact indicated that the event was a natural pregnancy and gained strength in few hours.

this morning a cloud of journalists was presented at the home of Karla Vanesa Pérez Castañeda, who supposedly had the extraordinary delivery scheduled for next May 20.

State authorities tracked down the woman, who lives in the town of Arteaga, Coahuila State, and underwent a few medical tests to find out the situation, which pointed to a miracle of nature.

“by being a high risk pregnancy Protocol way, the health system captures it and we realize the task today to review”, explained Dr. Castellanos Munoz.

“”The diagnosis of pregnancy is negative, that is what we have right now. the patient is in surveillance, we are seeing their general conditions that are adequate, is stable”, added.

the official avoided to make assessments about the case and said they were going to talk to the doctor treating the woman, because early versions of the same spoke of an extraordinary pregnancy when in reality there wasn’t it.

television network interviewed the woman herself, her husband, Juan Bernardo Morales, a single worker of a workshop, and even to the father-in-law, who spoke that multiple pregnancies were thing of family.

other media have said that last birth of Vanesa Karla occurred on 4 November, when she supposedly gave birth to triplets, something that like the rest of the case is now under scrutiny public, in search of explanations.

of “made, the mother of the alleged pregnant, Francisca Castañeda, denied in a statement to journalists that his daughter has had triplets, said that their stems are 15, 12 and 4 years and also left them from small, to stay in charge of the grandmother.

addition, the mother of Karla Vanesa questioned that his daughter might be pregnant because she underwent a tubal ligation after giving birth to her last son.

until the hoax, in statements to Efe, knew the Deputy Director of reproductive medicine at the National Institute of Perinatology of Mexico explained that”it is extraordinarily rare to occur a nonillizos pregnancy spontaneously”.

your probability is a case of each 85 raising the latter figure” to the eighth power “, noted Jara, which gives as result”a number that cannot be read”, said the expert.

“”” Normally women ovulate an egg once a month, why are born just one at a time. but that has ovulated 9 Yes is extremely rare “, stated.

another possibility is that”an embryo can be divided”into two maximum, added the expert.

the only case in which this specialist had memory was one of octuplets happened in United States in 2009 after a cycle of reproduction, which, having as a result eight embryos, resulted in a charge of negligence against the person responsible for the treatment.

the Secretariat of health of the State of Coahuila, Berta Cristina Castellanos (i) participates today, April 27, 2012, during a press conference in the Mexican city of Saltillo, where confirmed that information from an extraordinary natural pregnancy of nonillizos that emerged yesterday in the country is false and that the woman claiming to be gravid has”die leere Gebärmutter”. Am Mittwoch Abend ergab ein großen Fernsehsender und einige mexikanischen elektronische Medien, dass Karla Vanesa Pérez Castañeda, 32 Jahre, die angeblich bereits Informationen zufolge war die Mutter von vier Kindern, drei von ihnen Drillinge, anderen Mehrlingsschwangerschaft von neun Kindern, unveröffentlicht, in Mexiko und wahrscheinlich der Welt dargestellt. EFE