the delay for operation of priority 1 – more serious pathologies – stood at 14.9 days on the health of the service Galego de Saúde (Sergas) centres, which means that at the end of the first quarter of 2012 fell in 4.7 days compared to the same period of the year past. in aggregate, waiting rose 6.7 days in hospitals gallegos, 75.5 in 2011 to 82.2 to 31 of the last March.

thus point out waiting lists data published Friday on the website of the Sergas, who points out that with the data of Hospital Povisa at the end of the quarter had 39.614 people on waiting list, with a delay of 82.2 days, of whom 878 patients were waiting more than one year.

by Inzwischen betrug im ersten Quartal 2012 die durchschnittlichen Verzögerungszeit für die ersten Konsultationen der Krankheit 56.8 Tage, 1.4 vor mehr als einem Jahr – 55,4-25.277 Menschen weniger warten. Insgesamt am 31. März dort 171,175 Personen in Erwartung, 392 von ihnen mehr als zwölf Monaten wurden.