Madrid, 26 nov (EFE).-the King Juan Carlos of Spain evolves “very positively” after the hip which was submitted last Friday, according to the latest medical party released today by the Madrid hospital where is entered.

the monarch – according to the document read by the director of the Hospital Quiron San Jose, Javier de Joz-, after presenting a “major breakthrough” in the last session of physiotherapy, “stands up and walks with autonomy by its room”.

added that the King “continues resting in the evening and continues with its advanced recovery programme”.

this morning he practiced a new cure, checking that the initial inflammation, according to the medical part, so that “the evolution of the surgical incision is correct”, allowing the medical team “intensify the recovery program” has disappeared.

the King he underwent surgery to implant a prosthesis in the left hip, suffering from arthritis in the shoulder joint that caused him severe headaches and problems of mobility.

this was his third operation of these features, since the past 14 April implanted you another prosthesis in the right, hip and days later was operated again by a dislocation.

yesterday, the monarch received a visit from the President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, and of the Royal family in full, including the Duke of Palma, Iñaki Urdangarin, husband of the infanta Cristina, whom he not seen publicly along with the rest of the family since more than one year ago, as a result of his indictment in a case of alleged corruption.

in principle is not intended the King receiving visits during the day today.

< p> Ärzte Venture sagte noch nicht als das Staatsoberhaupt könnte die hohe erhalten, aber die Traumatologist verantwortlich für den Betrieb, Angel Villamor ist, am Samstag, nach dem chirurgischen Eingriff, dass dies, in drei passieren könnte oder vier Tage, bei einer Wiederherstellung innerhalb einer Frist von einem Monat volle. EFE