Madrid, 27 APR (EFE).-King Juan Carlos I of Spain today left the Hospital USP San José de Madrid, twelve hours after intervened to reduce a dislocation in the right hip and will continue his recovery at the Zarzuela Palace, his residence.

discharge from hospital of the monarch was issued at noon by the hospital in a medical part signed by doctor Ángel Villamor, who led the surgical intervention, and the Chief of the service doctor of the King’s House, Avelino Barros.

according to sources of the Royal House, the dislocation suffered Thursday and practiced this morning intervention not delayed deadlines in the process of recovery of the monarch.

the King underwent surgery to correct a dislocation of his right hip, which two weeks ago was implemented to a prosthesis by an accidental fall during a trip to Botswana.

sources Das Haus des Königs darauf hingewiesen, dass die Spitze des Staates die Störung durch eine schlechte Entscheidung nach einem Treffen am Palacio De La Zarzuela mit der Emirati Minister für auswärtige Angelegenheiten, Scheich Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan. litt

vor zwei Wochen der Monarch unterzog er Chirurgie am selben Krankenhaus Madrid zu Implantat-prothetischen Ersatz auf der rechten Hüfte, die Aufteilung 13.Tag in Botswana, Land fallen, die zur Teilnahme an einer Jagd gereist. EFE