die Exekutive des Union Medical Committee hat heute Nachmittag musterte den unbefristeten Streik auf den Balearen, Heilung, wollte starten am Freitag, so dass er diese Entscheidung nach akzeptieren den Vorschlag der Regierung, die die Darstellung der unmittelbaren Form eines Gesetzes, um zu vermeiden, dass die Ärzte, die Vergütung zu erstatten haben angekündigt hat wahrgenommene seit 2008 erhöht und wird in Zukunft seine Wartung ermöglichen getroffen hat.
somit entschieden Simebal Executive Committee bei der Sitzung der um 18 Uhr begonnen hat, bei dem der Beschlussvorschlag gestern Abend durch die regionale Verwaltung analysiert hat, um eine Einigung mit den Gesundheitssektor Balearen zu, die den Streik auf unbestimmte Zeit aus dieser Freitag vermeiden.
zu der in this regard, the President of the Simebal, Isidro Torres, wanted to show his appreciation to more than 4,000 physicians of the Balearic Islands “which have made a fantastic exercise of solidarity, cohesion and responsibility”, recalling the words of the President of the Government, José Ramón Bauzá, who urged them to do so before the call for strike.
in this sense, has insisted that at this time “you move” that “Act of responsibility” to the camera autonomic. “this Act has entered in your forum and is in the Forum of the Parlament where is going to decide that these agreements have legal viability by and forever and never again talk about”, it has had an impact.
for its part, the Union Vice President, Miguel Lazaro, has stressed that they are “very happy” and underlined the rapidity of the Executive to act. “The Government has done so fast, soon and well and now the ball is in the Court of parliamentarians and we will see how they respond certain deputies before the vote”, noted at the time that it has stressed that any of them is doctor.
Is need the support of two thirds of the camera
should be noted that this law will be processed in the Parlament by single reading to make effective this month of July, and that as explained Torres, is needed the support of two-thirds of the Chamber. in addition, it has highlighted that the support of two members of the 34 which has PP. need
“Believe that parliamentarians must assume their responsibility and have to prove if really concern them much physicians of the Balearic Islands health Payroll”, has underscore.
has also affected is not passed them over the head “which had an MEP, although it not milite in PP, knowing that one is a doctor, that you can vote for the 4,000 colleagues who are waiting for this resolution to be able to collect the guard as plays and in order to solve their family economies”.
” so I think that there will be retracted and as the saying: time and facts are authentic trials of life “, has sentenced.
addition, Torres, emphasised that”this is an issue which splashed two executives, the previous and the current so that the current parliamentary arc has a forum of decision and we want to understand that there will be an absolute majority of the Parlament by their doctors”.
’ in EL PARLAMENT there is more sense common that in other sites ’
has pointed out at the same time, this law,”If you do not exit for quick reading, it would be ordinary”and”not Imaginamos Otro Escenario Que la Norma y el Sentido Común “.”Entiendo Que En el Parlament, Heu Más Sentido Común Que de Otros Sitios”ha Remarcado.
Por Otra Parte, ha Recordado Que el Citado Documento” lo Que Retrotrae es Cualquier perte Retributiva eine 1 Fecha de Mayo de 2012 “y Que de la Mañana de Este Jueves Se Hablaba de Desconvocatoria Parcial” Porque kein qualité Conocimiento de Que el Govern Había Tramitado Por Vía de Urgencia Este Documento y Una Vez Que Entra En el Parlament, Nosotros Entendemos Que la Desconvocatoria Tiene Que Ser Gesamt Dado Que el Gesto del Govern ein Nosotros Nos da Tranquilidad “.
Respecto a la posible Inconstitucionalidad De La Citada Ley, Lázaro ha Dicho Que” Sorprende Que Los Sindicatos Hagan Esta Etiqueta Cuando Todavía kein Conocían ni Sabían Cuál Ära el Documento “.” Eso Por Sí solo ya Habla, kein Saben de Qué va la Ley y sin embargo ya le Ponen Esta Etiqueta, Ellos Verán Por Qué lo Hacen “, ha Subrayado.
< p> Auch, wollte hat die Regierung, gratulieren, "weil er hatte eine Geschwindigkeit von Reflexen durch einen öffentlichen Boykott einer Reihe von Gewerkschaften und die Aushandlung Forum Bedienstete".