Doha, 8 Dec (EFE).-the negotiations at the UN climate change Summit in Doha continue today in the absence of an agreement between the parties, a day later than the date fixed for the closing of the Conference.

after that the talks continue throughout the night, was scheduled an informal plenary at 10.30 (07.30 GMT) local time, which has not yet begun.

at a meeting held in the early hours of the morning, the President of the Conference, Abdullah bin Hamad Al the Atiyah, explained that they have been valued several documents, including the results of the work of the Working Group on further commitments pursuant to the Kyoto Protocol.

this text makes reference to the surplus of emissions in the first commitment period of Kyoto and out forward the proposal, Australia will not buy emission rights dragged of the aforementioned commitment period.

respect to the European Union (EU), mentioned that in your package drew for the fulfilment of its objectives of reducing emissions for the period 2013-2020 is not allowed the use of these surpluses.


Japan, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway and Switzerland, are also mentioned in this point and not comerciarán with the surplus of emissions

during meetings held around the clock have been studied, likewise, the proposals of the Group on the Convention, as well as the related progress into the Durban platform.

Similarly, has put on the table a plan to deal with the losses and damage associated with impacts of climate change on developing countries are particularly vulnerable, in order to improve their capacity of adaptation.

on the other hand, there is progress on the work programme on financing in the long term and in a report of the Green Fund for the climate.

the Doha Gipfel sollten geschlossen wurden gestern, aber in der letzten Minute hatte mehreren Fronten in den verschiedenen Gruppen Verhandlungen, unter ihnen, öffnen Sie die Vorschriften zur Gewährleistung der Transparenz bei der Erfüllung der verschiedenen Mechanismen des Kyoto-Protokolls.

Executive Sekretariat der Klimarahmenkonvention der Vereinten Nationen (UNFCCC), Christiana Figueres, Rahmen liefert eine Rede während des Gipfels des United Nations ändern Klima (COP18) in Doha, Katar statt. EFE