México, 3 vor (EFE).-La Salud De La Cantante Mexicana Chavela Vargas Está Hoy “un Poquito Más Deteriorada” y Sus Posibilidades de Vida Están Disminuyendo, a Pesar de Todos Los Esfuerzos Que Hemos Realizado, Afirmó Hoy Su Médico, José Manuel Núñez.

de Declaraciones ein Efe, Núñez Señaló Que la Salud De La the Costarricense de Origen, Años de 93, Está “un Poquito Más Deteriorada Que el Día de Ayer, Debido a la Fatiga y a las Fallas Orgánicas Que Sufre”.

Tras Admitir Que la Situación “Hoy es Más Sombría”, Explicó Que el Equipo Médico Que la Atiende de el Hospital Inovamed de Cuernavaca, Hauptstadt del zentrale Estado de Morelos, Está Limitado Por las Instrucciones Que Chavela ha dado de keine Utilizar Métodos Invasivos.

“kein Quiere Nada Invasivo, es Una (Hechicera y Sanadora) Chamana y Los Chamanes Cuando van einer Trascender keine Permiten Que Nada Interfiera. El Hecho de Que yo le Ponga un Tubo o un Respirador Sería un Obstáculo”, Dijo.

Y is that Chavela not afraid the death. recently declared at his house in Tepotzlan (Morelos) that did not have outstanding accounts with the life: “Ni I to her, nor she to me, not we owe nothing, we are very well”.

“I will stop my steps early one morning, or a sunset, as you want, not cost me”, then said in meeting with the media.

singer “is awake, quiet and still make decisions and we cannot go against” them, said today the Galen that Chavela. health care 10 years

“Continues with good mood” and “we are doing the impossible” to keep alive the interpreter of songs immortalized as “La llorona” or “Macorina”, although he insisted that it is “slightly difficult” with the limitations that has put the artist.

said that since he entered the hospital the to the hospital last Sunday, only a few days after his return to Mexico from Spain, not is has taken off of her. “Not I will leave now that he needs me more”, said.

singer arrived in Mexico on July 26 past after almost a month in Spain, where he traveled to give a recital with songs from the album which he dedicated to the poet Federico García Lorca, entitled “Big Moon”, and to present their reports.

that effort passed Bill and on July 12 was interned by at a hospital in the Spanish capital, where he was until 21 July.

since that day he rested at the residence of students in Madrid “watched” closely by their nurses, their friends and the staff of the institution until his return to the Mexican town of Tepoztlan, where he has lived the past few years.