3 Apr (EFE) in Rio De Janeiro.-der UN-Konferenz über nachhaltige Entwicklung Rio + 20, die in Rio De Janeiro kommenden Juni stattfinden wird, werden drei Optionen zur Schaffung eines ökologischen Welt neben der wahrscheinlich Reform der UNEP. diskutieren

verhandelnden Häuptling von Brasilien, Luiz Alberto Figueiredo, heute auf einer Pressekonferenz sagte, “Es gibt ein Konsens” von der Notwendigkeit, “das Programm von Programm der Vereinigten Nationen (UNEP) Zuweisen von ein festes Budget zu stärken”, römische mit exekutiven Funktionen, und erweitern Sie die Anzahl der Mitglieder.

Figueiredo erklärte, dass einige Länder wollen konvertieren UNEP in einer UN-Behörde, während andere, wie es der Fall von Brasilien ist, wollen nicht ’eine neue Bürokratie schaffen’.

“soll eine echte Verstärkung UNEP, Medien zu geben.” appropriate to bring to bear their functions, acting as a partner of the countries, to serve as a facilitator for the implementation of public policies in the environmental area and as an engine for training in this area closely,”said Figueiredo.

parallel to the reform of UNEP, handled three options to create an agency in the field of United Nations that would be responsible for drawing up guidelines policies to achieve the goals of sustainable development, according to the Brazilian diplomatic.

the first option being studied is to transform the Council for sustainable development of the United Nations in a Committee, which would imply”Ascend category”to that entity.

the second proposal contemplates add”environmental”functions to the economic and Social Council of the UN (ECOSOC) and the third, creating a Forum Ministerial on sustainable development within the United Nations.

according to the Brazilian official, the Rio + 20 “not intended to legislate”, will not have the ability to establish obligations to countries and will be marked as objective draw concrete goals to contribute to the full implementation of the principles of the ’green economy’ and sustainable development.

Brazil aims to all countries, “not only the emerging”, to adopt objectives of sustainable development and eradication of poverty.

However, Figueiredo admitted that some countries “fear” that the adoption of targets in the field of green economy can be used as an excuse “to establish barriers in international trade” against those who do not implement them.

organizers of the Rio + 20 expect the participation of a hundred heads of State and Government in this event, which will be held in Rio de Janeiro twenty years after the Earth Summit, convened in that same city in 1992, which laid the foundations for sustainable development contemporary.

the verhandeln in Brasilien, Luiz Alberto Figueiredo, gesagt: “Es gibt ein Konsens” Chief der Notwendigkeit, “Die UN-Umwelt stärken” Programm nach ein festes Budget römische mit exekutiven Funktionen zuweisen und erweitern die Anzahl der Mitglieder. WireImage /