MADRID (Reuters) – the Socialist Manuel grace will preside over the new Andalusian Parliament that was constituted on Thursday, less than a month after the regional elections of March 25, who won for the first time the people’s Party but without majority absolute.

the appointment of grace occurred with 57 votes in favor (of the Socialist members and Izquierda Unida), 50 votes in white and a null – vote expected of IU Deputy opposed to the agreement with the Socialists Juan Manuel Sanchez Gordillo.

“You will have a job complicated, because it is a Parliament in a complicated, legislature but nobody better than him to solve the problems that are occurring,” said Socialist leader and candidate for the Presidency of the Junta, José Antonio Griñán, following the election of grace, the eighth President of the Chamber of Andalusia.

< p> This vote is the first result of a Covenant of legislature which are finalizing PSOE and Izquierda Unida to govern the next four years.

this agreement of “strong and coherent” Government of the two parties of the left, that together added 59 members in an Assembly of 109, pending a referendum of party members of the United left the next 24 of April.

the Andalusian Javier arenas PP remained, with 50 seats, away from the absolute majority needed to seize power from the Socialists, who have been more than 30 years as head of the Junta de Andalucía, a result against the odds that was interpreted as a response against the policy of cuts and austerity of the Government of Mariano Rajoy.

El andaluz PSOE, which won 47 deputies – nine less than in 2008 – would return to preside over the Executive Andalusian with the help of IULV-CA, which rose from six to 12 members, in what was considered a brake on the wave of conservative after comprehensive victories of the PP in the General and municipal year past.

social policies, changing production model and the defence of the Andalusian, autonomy as well as the need to strengthen “civil ethics” – very damaged after corruption scandals that have appeared in recent years – will be the main lines of the compact PSOE-IU, as they have advanced PSOE and IU.

However, Andalusia, which has the country’s highest unemployment rate, must reconcile that defence of social benefits with a cutout in the budgets of at least 2.6 billion euros (8.4% less than the previous year) to meet the deficit target of 1.5% of GDP imposed by Madrid and the European Union.