new YORK (Reuters Health) – a report suggests that the

physicians inquire in their patients for signs of violence

domestic, either through a questionnaire or a conversation

in the room waiting.

this review of the available evidence on the research

of domestic abuse is the first step in that the Commission

preventive services of United States special (USPSTF by

its acronym in English) compose new recommendations. the study

did a team from Oregon Health & Science University,


according to the Centers for Control and prevention of

diseases of United States (CDC for its acronym in English),

three of every 10 American women were victims of

rape, harassment or physical violence from their


other studies suggest that half of women

would suffer of psychological aggression by their partners in some

moment of their lives.

in the new revision, the authors determined that the

negative effects that could have medical research, as the

discomfort or depression of women, are minimal, while

that potential benefits include the identification of

made current or past violence to be able to

refer victims to specialists suitable.

“with only a few questions, the patient receives

the message that there is something that has to talk with the

doctor”, said Dr. Heidi Nelson, lead author of the


and talk about this topic would be the most important thing,

regardless of how is addressed, as it believed Ping-Hsin

Chen, University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey, in


the Nelson Team gefunden, dass sechs tools

verwendet frühere Studien waren “sehr genau” für

Identifizierung von Frauen, die Opfer häuslicher Gewalt, nach

veröffentlicht in Annals of Internal Medicine.

die meisten dieser Tools sind ein paar

Fragen in einem gedruckten Fragebogen oder innerhalb der Konversation

Arzt-Patient, als: “im vergangenen Jahr zu tun hatte Sie Angst um Ihre

paar?”. <p >

some studies, though not all, had suggested that the

counselling by social assistants, psychologists or

mentors helped women to avoid suffering from new acts


Nelson commented that the recommendations of the USPSTF is

published soon. the latest available, 2004, they point out

that there is sufficient evidence to recommend or not the

use the signs of domestic violence screening in women

without symptoms.

Chen pointed out that, in his experience, many doctors

Learn how to investigate signs of domestic violence, but not

everyone knows what to do if they identify them in order to avoid

further acts of abuse.

“most importantly talk to women on a

security plan”, said. “during pregnancy, especially,

(because””) konnte nicht lassen, ihre Partner” oder seine psychische Verfassung nicht Les

täte es hinzugefügt.

Nelson vereinbart, dass die am besten Reaktion des Arztes geeignete

primäre Pflege oder Sozialarbeiter sollte

individuell und je nach Situation, die jede Frau lebt.

Quelle: Annals of Internal Medicine, online 7. Mai von der
