(www.neomundo.com.ar/ source: VOAnews) a panel of experts in United States recommended the adoption at the national level of a drug that can prevent infection with the the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes the syndrome of acquired human immunodeficiency (AIDS).

panel held two votes separated the last Thursday 10 May of 2012, after which decided to recommend to the Agency’s food and drugs (FDA for its acronym in English), the approval of the drug called Truvada, to persons at risk of contracting AIDS, one for gay and bisexual men and one for heterosexual couples where one member of the couple is HIV positive.

it is worth clarifying that many doctors are already prescribing Truvada to their patients with AIDS, as part of the “cocktail” of drugs that complies the chemotherapy is recommended to keep the virus at Bay.

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während viele Ärzte betonen, dass Truvada einen Schritt nach vorn in das Ziel zu erreichen die AIDS-Epidemie ein Ende gesetzt ist, andere argumentieren, dass eine übertriebene Empfehlung konnte in einem risikoreichen Menschen engagieren sich in der sexuellen Tätigkeit platziert werden ohne besserer Schutz bisher findet: die Verwendung von Kondomen.

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